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Peru: General Sources

Bibliografia Regional Peruana

Author: Moreyra y Paz Soldan, Carlos
Published: Lima : Librería Internacional del Perú, 1967.
UIUC Call Number: 016.9185 M81B
Location: Oak Street Facility [request only]
This bibliography does not follow specific guidelines that are seen in other bibliographies. The entries are divided into sections arranged by Peruvian regions, ocean territories, and “other” regions in Peru. Within each sections, the entries are organized by alphabetical order by the author’s last name. A noticeable thing is that the entries are not labeled by number, as do many other bibliographies do. There is also not a clear point of what the date coverage is. There are a total of 518 pages, but unfortunately, one cannot give even an estimate of the number of entries. There are two indexes, one organized by author's last name and one organized by title. The table of contents and the list of abbreviations are the last 2 pages of this volume. For the second editon (1976), check out the catalog record for it. 

Bibliografia Indigena Andina Peruana (1900-1968)

Author: Martinez, Hector
Published: [Lima, Centro de Estudios de Población y Desarrollo, 1969]
UIUC Call Number: 016.98045 M36B
Location: Main Stacks
This bibliography has a date coverage from 1900-1968. There are 157 pages and a total of 1703 entries. This bibliography is well organized and detailed. It is organized by regions of Peru and this bibliography was published by the "Centro de Estudios de Poblacion y Desarrollo", which translates to  Center for Population and Development Studies. Once divided into Peruvian regions, it is then divided by subjects. Each annotation is organized alphabetically by author's last name and is assigned an entry number. This annotation contains the author, title, publicatrion details, and a small description/summary of the book or work. There are five indexes. They are organized by author, places/regions, subject, field research, and journals/magazines.

The Indian Civilizations of Latin America

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Author: Oberg, Steven J. 
Published: [Urbana, Ill.] : Latin American Library Services Unit, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1991.
UIUC Call Number: 016.98000498 UN3I
Location: Main Stacks
This bibliography is for sources available at the University of Illinois Library. According to the introduction, "the purpose of this pathfinder is to guide the students toward the information sources on the Indian peoples in Mexico and Central and South America." Date coverage begins around 1981, but emphasis is placed on "recent materials" (it was published in 1991, so keep that in mind). The materials included in this annotated bibliography are how to subject search in the catalog (the subject headings recommended still provide relevant searches in the library catalog), dictionaries and encyclopedias, handbooks, atlases, directories, bibliographies, indexes, periodical literature, audio-visual materials, and the key to library codes (abbreviations and their meanings).
This small material contains 12 pages and entries are not assigned an entry number. The annotations are divided by format and organized by alphabetical order. The annotations contain the call number, author, title, publication information, and a small description/summary of the work. Since this bibliography is from the 90's, it is recommended that you double check in the catalog for these works.

Periodicals from and about Latin America and the Caribbean

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Author: Gonzalez, Nelly S.
Published: Urbana, Ill. : Latin American Library Services Unit, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1991.
UIUC Call Number:   015.8034 UN3p
Location: Main Stacks
This bibliography is for periodicals from and about Latin America that are held by the UIUC Library. According to the introduction of this work, "the purpose of the compilation is to facilitate identification of journals in literature held by the University of Illinois Library that are published in Latin America and the Caribbean." The work is divided into two parts. The first part contains the complete information (title, publication information, etc) for each periodical. This information is organized alphabetically by MLA Acronym. The second part is is a list of the periodicals and are aranged by titles.
For each entry, a call number, title, publisher information, MLA acronym, and if possible, the ISSN. Most of the works included are in the Main Stacks. Please refer to the UIUC Catalog to confirm.

Politics and Government in Latin America

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Author: Oberg, Steven
Published: Urbana, Ill. : Latin American Library Services Unit, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1991.
UIUC Call Number: 016.32098 UN3P
Location: Main Stacks
This bibliography is for sources at the UIUC Library that covers politics and government. It is a guide for current sources at the UIUC Library. This guide is made up of sources that have been published in the past 10 years (so, 1981 to 1991). The materials included in this annotated bibliography are subject searching in the catalog, encyclopedias, yearbooks, dictionaries, handbooks, Atlases, directories, bibliographies, indexes, periodical literature, statistics, miscellaneous sources (government daily/weekly reports, U.S Government Publications/Document), and key to library codes. This small material contains 10 pages and entries are not assigned an entry number. The annotations are divided by format and organized by alphabetical order. The annotations contain the call number, author, title, publication information, and a small description/summary of the work. Since this bibliography is from the 90's, it is recommended that you double check in the catalog for these works.


Latinoamerica y la Comunicacion Social Inventario Bibliografico

Author: Alba Robayo, Vicente
Published: Bogotá : Ministerio de Agricultura, Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, Subgerencia Técnica, División de Investigación, Departmento de Ciencias Sociales, 1971.
UIUC Call Number: 016.30223098 AL13L
Location: Main Stacks
This bibliography is for sources at the UIUC Library that covers the social sciences. Date coverage begins around 1951. The materials included in this annotated bibliography are how to subject search in the catalog (the subject headings recommended still provide relevant searches in the library catalog), dictionaries and encyclopedias, handbooks, atlases, directories, bibliographies, indexes, periodical literature, audio-visual materials, and the key to library codes (abbreviations and their meanings). This small material contains 25 pages and entries are assigned an entry number. There are a total of 282 entries. The annotations are organized by alphabetical order. The annotations contain the entry number, author, title, publication information, and a small description/summary of the work.