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University Library


Bolivia: Catalogs


Catalogos Archivo

This is the main gateway, via the Biblioteca Virtual, to archival catalogs published in Bolivia. 

Library Catalogs (from

UIUC Library CatalogSubject: Bolivia (Sort: Newest First) 

You can search by availability, date published, subject headings, and much more. 


You can search the catalog for items held at other libraries in the i-Share catalog. If an item is not in one of the local catalogs, check here next. Electronic items (especially ebooks) in iShare are only for the library who hosts the material.

Discovery/Federated Systems

These tools search multiple electronic resources at the same time. These generally search our library catalogs and our databases, so they are frequently used by individuals wanting to find the full text of an article.

Easy Search -

Easy Search is a federated search tool, meaning it performs a search in multiple databases simultaneously. Developed at the U of I, Easy Search gives us lots of flexibility to create subject specific searches, customize the results interface, and provide prompts based on research about our users. It is excellent at finding a citation that you copy/paste into the search box (even if you have incomplete information). The downside is that it can be slow, and users still have to click through to get to any actual results. It also doesn't have the nicest interface. A lot of users think that "the search box on the library homepage" is THE search for library materials. And if people are unsure about resource they used, it is often Easy Search or a link from it.

Electronic Resources

These two resources are the primary places to go for our electronic content, including databases and journals. Ebook collections are in these, but not individual ebooks (they are in the online catalogs). If you want to find subject specific resources, it is often best to consult the webpages for the subject libraries.

Databases by Subject

This is a list of the databases. This is comprehensive and is dependent on collection development fund manager making sure their subject is well-covered.

Online Journals

Search for journals in the library catalog by title or ISBN number.

Other Catalogs

HPNL Newspaper Database

Useful database for smaller and older newspapers, especially from Illinois, which are often not in the online catalog. This database does not provide indexing, but does show available formats and holdings information. The records show you the holdings that HPNL has for each paper, as well as the format. Most are in microfilm, but we're also digitizing the smaller Illinois newspapers. For larger newspapers, like the New York Times and Chicago Tribune, it is easiest to find them in SFX (although they are linked from here).

Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue

Metasearch interface to access library catalogs that is very Euro-centric. This isn't often used, but can be useful as many of the libraries that are included are not in WorldCat.

Print Card Catalog

The print catalog is the record of our items before 1980 or so. We have removed most of it, but the Serial Record and Thesis file are still very useful and are at the Information Desk area.

Subject Guide

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International and Area Studies Library
Room 321 Main Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-1501