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Sustainable Business & Subsistence Markets

Resources on environmentally and economically sustainable business practices, particularly in developing and subsistence markets.

Case Studies and Initiatives

Serving the Body of the Pyramid 

The cases and videos created through this program have helped change global development policy at the State Department, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum.

The Base of the Pyramid Protocol

The Base of the Pyramid (BoP) Protocol is a corporate innovation process for sustainably serving communities in the base of the world's income pyramid (BoP). With the BoP Protocol, companies work to simultaneously develop new markets and lift up low-income communities through the co-creation of new innovations and enterprises in the BoP. This guide was made by Erik Simanis and Stuart Hart in connection with Cornell University.

World Bank Development Marketplace

The Development Marketplace provides early stage grant funding to support testing and development of innovative initiatives that deliver public goods targeting the poor and can be scaled quickly.

Marketplace Literacy Project

S. Gajendiran and R. Venkatesan of the Marketplace Literacy Project developed their organization to enable low-literacy, low-income indivduals in the U.S. and India to gain consumer marketplace and entreprenurial literacy skills through educational programs and products.

Next Billion

An online community to continue the incredible hallway and coffee break conversations that took place during the conference and to report news and discuss business strategies for the world's majority, the so-called "poor."

Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies (SEED)

SEED seeks to stimulate, develop, and disseminate research and innovations that enable entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders to alleviate poverty in developing economies. SEED's work is based on the belief that a critical route for economic growth is through the creation of entrepreneurial ventures and by scaling existing enterprises to support action by entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders to scale their organizations and spur innovation.

Technology for Emerging Markets

The Technology for Emerging Markets (TEM) research group is a multidisciplinary group based in Bangalore, India interested in the study, design, construction, and evaluation of technologies and systems useful to people in underserved rural and urban communities.