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University Library


Sustainable Business & Subsistence Markets

Resources on environmentally and economically sustainable business practices, particularly in developing and subsistence markets.

Databases and Journals

PAIS Index

Identifies articles, books, websites, statistics, yearbooks, directories, conference proceedings, pamphlets, reports, government documents, and microfiches on political, social, public policy issues.

The Review of Income and Wealth

National income and wealth, social accounting and its use in economic budgeting, international comparisons, problems of statistical methodology.

Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 

From the journal's website: "The Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy is the nation's premier law journal on poverty issues. As part of its mission to bring an end to the desperate conditions afflicting so many in this wealthy nation, the Journal publishes articles from distinguished law professors and practitioners in poverty-related fields."

Journal of Children & Poverty

The Journal of Children & Poverty publishes original research in the areas of education, health, public policy, and the socioeconomic causes and effects of poverty in the developed world.