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Sustainable Business & Subsistence Markets

Resources on environmentally and economically sustainable business practices, particularly in developing and subsistence markets.

Innovative Solutions

TED - Rethinking Poverty 

The catchphrase goes, "Make poverty history." But how? These speakers' innovative ideas may convince you to forget the traditional models -- grants, aid, charity -- and consider business, technology and trade instead.

Global Poverty - Brookings Institution

The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC, whose mission is to conduct high-quality, independent research and provide innovative, practical recommendations that strengthen American democracy, foster welfare, security, and opportunity for all Americans, and secure a safe, prosperous, and cooperative international system.

Global Poverty Mapping Project

The Global Poverty Mapping Project seeks to enhance current understanding of the global distribution of poverty and the geographic and biophysical conditions of where the poor live. Additionally, the project aims to assist policy makers, development agencies, and the poor themselves in designing interventions to reduce poverty.

Southern Poverty Law Center

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a nonprofit civil rights organization dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry, and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society.