When you open the main library page you see the following search box
This is the broadest most general search the library has available. You will get matches on everything from the library catalog to some of the library's databases using this interface. The broader your search terms the more matches you will get. If you have fairly specific search terms and are looking for English language publications it can be a handy way to get an overview. So, for example, a search here on the terms "famine ukraine" brings up some 300 matches in various EBSCO databases. It is useful to know where most of them are coming from, i.e, which database is most useful for your topic.
You should be aware that this does not search many of the specialized databases focused on the region, such as the American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies or ABSEES. It also does not search any East View resources. It is a quick way to get a list of titles, but they may not be the best or most important titles on your subject. For that you need a more targeted search.
It will help you to identify the databases you need. If you enter "eastern europe" in the search box, one of the returns on the search will be databases.