Ruttig, Thomas. Islamists, Leftists --and a Void in the Center. Afghanistan's Political Parties and where they come from (1902-2006). Kabul: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Afghanistan Office, 2006.
Bleaney, Heather; Gallego, Maria Angeles. Afghanistan. A Bibliography. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Series: Handbuch Der Orientalistik[Handbook of Oriental Studies] 8 Central Asia : v.13. ISSN: 0169-8524. ISBN: 900414532X. UIUC Call Number: Slavic Reference 958.1Af344 [non-circulating]. Indexes: Subject Index and Index of names. Total number of entries: 5081. Languages: English, Russian, French, German, Dari, and Pushto.
Published in 2006, this bibliography is divided into the following sections: General Reference and Scholarship; Geography and Ecology [the country and people]; Travel and Photography; Orientalist (and other) representations (fiction set in Afghanistan)[Note: General Fiction and Russian Fiction]; Religon and Religious Groups; Anthropology and Ethnography; Language; Literature; Arts (Traditional Crafts); Performing Arts; Architecture; Cultural life in general (cultural institutions); Education; Sociology and Demography; Health and Medicine (Narcotics, Cookery and Food); Economic and Economic History; Archaeology (related subjects); History; Politics and Political Ideology; Foreign Relations; Communications and Mass Media; Law; Index of Subjects, pp. 350-364; Index of Names, pp. 365-398.
Civil War and Taliban: Scholars would find the following subsections to be extremely useful for any analysis on the Afghan Civil War and the Taliban: "Tribes & tribal society," pp. 51-52; "Pashtuns (Pakhtuns)," pp. 52-57; "Uzbeks," pp.57-58; "Turkmens," pp.58-59; "Kirghizes," pp. 59-60; "Tajiks," pp. 60; "Hazaras," pp. 60-62.