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Afghanistan: General Print Resources

Afghanistan's Political Parties

Ruttig, Thomas.  Islamists, Leftists --and a Void in the Center.  Afghanistan's Political Parties and where they come from (1902-2006).   Kabul: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Afghanistan Office, 2006. 


Hanifi, Jamil M.   Historical and cultural dictionary of AfghanistanSeries:  Historical and cultural dictionaries of Asia, No. 5.  Metuchen, New Jersey:  Scarecrow Press, 1976. 



Bleaney, Heather; Gallego, Maria Angeles.  Afghanistan. A Bibliography.  Leiden: Brill, 2006.  Series: Handbuch Der Orientalistik[Handbook of Oriental Studies] 8 Central Asia : v.13.  ISSN: 0169-8524.  ISBN: 900414532X.  UIUC Call Number: Slavic Reference  958.1Af344 [non-circulating].  Indexes:  Subject Index and Index of names.  Total number of entries: 5081.  Languages:  English, Russian, French, German, Dari, and Pushto. 

Published in 2006, this bibliography is divided into the following sections:  General Reference and Scholarship; Geography and Ecology [the country and people]; Travel and Photography; Orientalist (and other) representations (fiction set in Afghanistan)[Note: General Fiction and Russian Fiction]; Religon and Religious Groups; Anthropology and Ethnography; Language; Literature; Arts (Traditional Crafts); Performing Arts; Architecture; Cultural life in general (cultural institutions); Education; Sociology and Demography; Health and Medicine (Narcotics, Cookery and Food); Economic and Economic History; Archaeology (related subjects); History; Politics and Political Ideology; Foreign Relations; Communications and Mass Media; Law; Index of Subjects, pp. 350-364; Index of Names, pp. 365-398. 

Civil War and Taliban:  Scholars would find the following subsections to be extremely useful for any analysis on the Afghan Civil War and the Taliban: "Tribes & tribal society," pp. 51-52; "Pashtuns (Pakhtuns)," pp. 52-57; "Uzbeks," pp.57-58; "Turkmens," pp.58-59;  "Kirghizes," pp. 59-60; "Tajiks," pp. 60;  "Hazaras," pp. 60-62. 



Hanifi, Jamil M.  Annotated Bibliography of Afghanistan.  Fourth Edition, Revised.  New Haven: Hraf Press, 1982.  Edition note: This volume is a revision of the earlier bibliography by Donald N. Wilber, which has appeared in three editions.  UIUC Call Number: Asian Reference 016.9158 W64A1982.  Note: Copy 2: Main Stacks 016.9158 W64A1982.


Akram, Mohammed.  Bibliographie analytique de l'Afghanistan[ "Preface de René Grousset, Membre de l'Academie Française" ].  Paris:  Centre de documentation universitaire, 1947. Indexes: index of periodicals (p. 467) and index of authors, p. 471.  Total number of entries: 1956.  Accession Number (OCLC): 23400132. 

Sections: "Bibliographie", p. 1; "Geographie and voyages," p. 65;  "Historie", p.203 [Pre-Islam, Islam ("Ghaznevides and Ghorides"; "Turco-Mongols"; "Ledis-Souris"; "Dourranis")]; "Archeologie and arts," p. 353; "Ethnographie and religions," p. 389;  "Langues and litteratures," p. 403. 




Central Asian Research Centre.  Bibliography of Russian Works on Afghanistan. London: Central Asian Research Centre, 1956.  OCLC Accession Number: 4031683 

Published in 1956, this bibliography "... has been compiled for the most part from bibliographies and references found in Russian publications and in several casees it is not clear whether the work referred to is an article or a book."  This bibliography contains "works published up to the end of October 1956."  The entries are listed in alphabetical order. 


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