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Afghanistan: Kingdom and Republic, 1919-1978


Habibi, 'Abd al-Hayy.  Rahnama-yi tarikh-i Afghanistan: mushtamil bar zikr va sharh-i (765) jild-i kitab-i chappi va khatti-i 'Arabi, Dari, Pashtu, Urdu, Turki dar'barah-i tarikh-i Afghanistan [ "Guide to history of Afghanistan: bibliography of 585 printed and manuscript books in Arabic, Dari, Paxto, Urdo and Turky about the history of Afghanistan."  Volume 1-2Series: Anjuman-i Tārikh-i Afghānistān, 94.  Kabul: Kābul, Dawlatī Maṭbaʻah, 1348- [1970-


Published in 1970 by the Literary and Historical Society of Afghanistan, this bibliographical guide  to Afghan history consists of "585 printed and manuscript books in Arabic, Dari, Paxto, Urdo, and Turky."  The titles are listed in alphabetical order with language notes and brief annotations.  This bibliography also includes a list of title "corrections."  




Arbeitsgemeinschaft Afghanistan und Deutsches Orient-Institut.  Bibliographie Der Afghanistan-Literatur 1945-1967.  Volume One: Literatur in Europäischen SprachenVolume Two: Literatur in Orientalischen Sprachen.  Hamburg, 1968-1969.  List of periodicals: Volume One: pp. 9-21; Volume Two: pp. 10-14].  Author Index [Volume One: pp. 177-189; Volume Two: pp.197-208].  

With 4488 entries [Volume One: 2342; Volume Two: 2146], this bibliography "presents the largest number of titles ever collected in one single bibliography on Afghanistan."  Both volumes are divided into 26 sections and each section carries a letter designation (A-Z).  Among the twenty six categories, scholars would find the following sections to be of particular interest:  "Etnologie und Ethnographie, Anthropologie"[Volume I, pp.83-90; Volume II, pp. 94-96]; "Biographien"[Volume I, pp. 173-174; Volume II, pp. 176-182]; "Periodika" [Volume I, pp.183- 196; Volume II, pp. 175]; "Sprache und literatur"[Volume I, pp. 104-109; Volume II, pp. 112-140].  The compilers have also cross-referenced other sections for researchers.  Volume Two, with its emphasis on vernacular language publications, would be extremely beneficial to scholars researching Afghanistan during this period (1945-1967).  

Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection - University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection Bibliography. Volume One: Pasto and Dari titles.   Volume Two: English and European languages.  Wahab, Shaista.  Lincoln, Neb.: Dageforde Publishers, 1995-2000.   ISBN: 1886225079 (v.1), 1886225516 (v.2).  Please Note: v.2 is digitized.  Researchers can download the entire bibliography hereFull list of digitized materials(English Language) at the Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection.  List includes the following publications:  Kabul Times

 The Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection at the University of Nebraska "is the largest collection of Afghan materials in the country."  Collection description: "Mr. Paul [1898-1976] served as an economic advisor to the Royal Government of Afghanistan from 1960 to 1965. During his service in Afghanistan, he collected Afghanistan materials for his private library. His collection of Afghanistan materials included published and unpublished materials on all subjects and disciplines pertaining to Afghanistan. The University Library has made extensive efforts to further enrich the collection. Currently the Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection holds more than 12,000 titles. The Collection contains materials on all subject areas pertaining to Afghan life and culture which includes economics, education, folklore, law, agriculture, language, architecture, geology, geography, history and literature. Documents in this collection are in more than 24 different languages. However, the majority of the materials are in English, Persian/Dari, and Pashto languages."

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