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Afghanistan: The Early Years, 1871-1918


Blumhardt, James Fuller; Mackenzie, D.N.   Catalogue of Pashto manuscripts in the libraries of the British Isles: Bodleian Library; the British Museum; Cambridge University Library; India Office Library; John Rylands Library; School of Oriental and African Studies; Trinity College Dublin.   London: The Trustees of the British Museum and the Commonwealth Relations Office, 1965. 

This catalogue consists of 170 Pashto manuscript works from the eighteenth to late nineteenth century:  “sixty-nine are in the British Museum,” “sixty in the India Office Library,” “sixteen in the John Rylands Library,” “ten in the School of Oriental and African Studies,” “eight in the University Library, Cambridge,” “five in the Bodleian Library,” and “two in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin.”   The compilers have divided the catalogue into the following sections: Religion, History, Philology, Poetry, Tales, and Numerical Index.  In addition to the numerical index, the compilers have included an index of titles (p.137), an index of persons (p.139), and their system of transcription.  The “works cited” page includes other catalogues of Persian Manuscripts found in the British Libraries.  Each entry is annotated with bio-bibliographical data, date of publication [Note: publication year in the Islamic and Gregorian Calendars] and a brief discussion of the manuscript’s content and physical description.  This catalogue of 170 Pashto manuscript works would be an excellent guide to the literary tradition of Afghanistan in the eighteenth and the late nineteenth century. 


Catalogue of the Library of the India Office.  Persian Books.  Volume II.  Part VI.  London: "Printed by the order of the Secretary of State for India, 1937. 

System of organization:  "Main entries are to be found under the titles of books, printed in Italian italics.  Subsidiary and cross entries occur in the body of the catalogue, the names of authors (and in the case of Oriental authors their best-known names) being printed in Clarendon type."


Mezhov, Vladimir Izmailovich (1830-1894).   Bibliografiia Azii: ukazatel’ knig’  i statei ob Azii na russkom iazykie  i odniekh tol’ko knig na inostrannykh iazykakh, kasaiushchikhsia otnoshenii Rossii k asiatskim gosudarstvam.  Tom 1.  Section: Sredniaia Aziia: Afghanistan.  Pages: 377-389.  Entries: 8671-8839. 

S.-Peterburg: Tipografiia V. Bezobrazova I K., 1891. 

UIUC Call Number: Russian Reference O16.915 M57b v.2 pt. 1.  

Published in 1891, this bibliography’s Afghanistan section would be beneficial to scholars researching the historiography of nineteenth century Afghanistan.  The topical coverage includes the following: ethnography of Afghanistan, the Anglo-Afghan Wars, Afghan-Russian relations, geography, linguistics, and anthropology.





Kukhtina, Tat’iana Ivanovna.  Bibliografiia Afganistana: literatura na russkom  iazyke.  Akademiia Nauk SSSR.  Insitut narodov Azii.  

Moskva:  Nauka, 1965.

UIUC Call Number:  Russian Reference [non-circulating] 016. 9158 K95b

Note:  Copy 2: Oak Street Facility

Published in 1965, this bibliographic guide is a compilation of Russian language materials on Afghanistan.  With a master index, this invaluable guide allows scholars to examine publications from the Pre-Revolution to the Soviet Period, till the mid 1960s.   

Sections: Obshchie raboty i spravochnaia literatura; Istoriia izucheniia Afganistana v Rossii i SSSR; Bibliografiia; Geografiia; Naselenie ( Ėtnografiia); Gosudarstvennyi stroi; Vooruzhennye sily; istoriia Ėkonomika; Kul'tura; Iazykoznanie; Retsenzii i bibliograficheskie zametki russkikh i sovetskikh avtorov na inostrannuiu literaturu ob Afganistane; Alfavitnyi ukazatel' avtorov, sostavitelei, redaktorov, perevodchikov, kommentatorov, retsenzentov i rabot, opisannykh ne na avtora [pp. 212-269].  Note: Table of Contents, pp. 270-272.  



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