This section includes information about archives related to Yemen.
Link to Irene Tinker Collection, 1936-2004
Service Location | Boxes |
Offsite: Prior notice required | 1-93 |
The materials collected by Irene Tinker, a professor and researcher on world development and the impact of development on women and men, includes correspondence with individuals and corporations; programs, plans and reports on development topics; governmental and organizational reports and research on development topics; working papers; curriculum guides and modules, manuals, plans, and lessons on development education; journals, newsletters, magazines, newspapers related to development and women studies; novels on development and women's issues; correspondents and reports from the Street Foods project; conference papers and reports related to development and women studies topics; background materials on Irene Tinker; her own publications and manuscripts; United Nations documents; and an author/article index. Significant topics include: women-status and culture; development; women in development; rural development; youth and children; education; mass media and communications; aging and the elderly; peace and violence; health and nutrition; food and agriculture; the Street Foods Project; labor, employment and work; urban life; population; refugees and migration; energy and environment; the future of development and women studies. Significant correspondents include: Agency for International Development (AID), Association of Women in Development (AWID), Commission on the Status of Women, Equity Policy Research Center (EPOC), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Michigan State University- Office of International Development, Overseas Development Council, Overseas Education Fund, Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), United States Council for INSTRAW, UNICEF, UNIFEM, and Women in Development (WID).
Box 19:
Organizational and individual correspondence and content files (continued).