Akira is a 1988 Japanese animated post-apocalyptic cyberpunk action film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo, produced based on Otomo's 1982 manga of the same name. Set in a dystopian 2019, Akira tells the story of Shōtarō Kaneda, a leader of a biker gang whose childhood friend, Tetsuo Shima, acquires incredible telekinetic abilities after a motorcycle accident, eventually threatening an entire military complex amidst chaos and rebellion in the sprawling futuristic metropolis of Neo-Tokyo. -- Wikipedia
A twisted old man gifted with extrasensory powers silently holds sway over an entire block of apartments. But suddenly a young girl with her own battery of psychic abilities arrives to challenge him.
Otomo Katsuhiro is one of the most respected and influential 0unsurpassed artistry. This book contains full-size illustrations of all the works featured in the exhibition, as well as preliminary sketches, production drawings, and the domestic advertising pieces that are rarely seen outside of Japan. The book also contains interviews and conversations with some of the most famous Japanese film directors and manga artists, such as Akira Kurosawa, Sogo Ishii, and more.
"Lain Iwakura appears to be an ordinary girl with almost no experience with computers. Yet the sudden suicide of a schoolmate and a number of strange occurrences conspire to pull Lain into the world of the Wired, where she gradually learns that nothing is what it seems to be ... not even Lain herself"--FUNimation website.
Since the end of the Second World WarOCoand particularly over the last decadeOCoJapanese science fiction has strongly influenced global popular culture. Unlike American and British science fiction, its most popular examples have been visualOCofrom Gojira" (Godzilla)" and Astro Boy" in the 1950s and 1960s to the anime masterpieces Akira" and Ghost in the Shell" of the 1980s and 1990sOCowhile little attention has been paid to a vibrant tradition of prose science fiction in Japan. a Robot Ghosts and Wired Dreams" remedies this neglect with a rich exploration of the genre that connects prose science fiction to contemporary anime.
Manga / 漫画
20th century boys by Naoki Urasawa; Akemi WegmullerHumanity, having faced extinction at the end of the 20th century, would not have entered the new millennium if it weren't for them. In 1969, during their youth, they created a symbol. In 1997, as the coming disaster slowly starts to unfold, that symbol returns. This is the story of a group of boys who try to save the world. Failed rock musician Kenji's memories of his past come rushing back when one of his childhood friends mysteriously commits suicide. Could this new death be related to the rise of a bizarre new cult that's been implicated in several other murders and disappearances? Determined to dig deeper, Kenji reunites with some of his old buddies in the hope of learning the truth behind it all.
ISBN: 9781591169222
Publication Date: 2009-02-17
Akira by Kohei OtomoAkira, who has supernatural power, fights against the government, the army, guerillas, and a motocycle gang in Neo-Tokyo after the World War II.
ISBN: 4061037110
Publication Date: 1984-1993
Astro Boy by Osamu TezukaDark Horse proudly presents one of the crown jewels of manga - Astro Boy! Created by the late Osamu Tezuka, a revered animator and cartoonist (who created over 150,000 pages of comics in his career!) considered the Walt Disney of Japan, Astro Boy was the first manga series to be adapted to animation and became a worldwide phenomenon, making Astro Boy the Mickey Mouse of anime - a jet-powered, super-strong, evil-robot-bashing, alien-invasion-smashing Mickey Mouse, that is!
Cowboy Bebop by Yutaka NantenSpike, Jet, Faye and Ed - cowboys on the new frontier. Together this band of interplanetary bounty hunters takes on the jobs that anyone in their right mind would turn down.
ISBN: 1931514917
Publication Date: 2002-04-23
Ghost in the Shell by Masamune ShirowIn a world in which the human mind can be programmed like a computer, where does the human soul end and the cybernetic machinery begin? What does it mean to be human? From Masamune Shirow, the creator of Appleseed, Orion, and Dominion: Tank Police, comes an epic, dystopian tale of politics, covert actions, and cyborgs with too much attitude!
ISBN: 1569710813
Publication Date: 1995-12-12
Hellsing by Kohta Hirano (Illustrator)There's a secret organization somewhere in England created to defend the Queen and country from monsters of all sorts. Yes, it's hard to believe in this day and age... but really, isn't this the true age of monsters?
ISBN: 159307056X
Publication Date: 2003-12-02
No Guns Life by Tasuku KarasumaEx-soldier Juzo Inui has one question--who turned him into a cyborg and erased his memories? After the war, cyborg soldiers known as the Extended were discharged. Juzo Inui is one of them, a man whose body was transformed, his head replaced with a giant gun! With no memory of his previous life--or who replaced his head and why--Inui now scratches out a living in the dark streets of the city as a Resolver, taking on cases involving the Extended. When a fellow Extended showed up in Inui's office--on the run from the Security Bureau with a kidnapped child in tow and asking for help--Inui should have just thrown the guy out. But Inui's loyalty to a brother Extended makes him take the job. Keeping the child safe won't be easy, since everyone seems to want to grab him, from street punks to the megacorporation Berühren, who have sent out a special agent that knows exactly how to deal with the Extended...
Metropolis (Motion picture) by Maruyama, Masao, 1941- producer. Yamaki, Iwao, Ōtomo, Katsuhiro, Rin, Tarō, Tezuka, Osamu"In the industrial, tri-level world of Metropolis, Duke Red is a powerful leader with plans to unveil a highly advanced robot named Tima. But Duke Red's violent son Rock distrusts robots, and intends to find and destroy Tima. Lost in the confusing labyrinth beneath Metropolis, Tima is beginning a friendship with the young nephew of a Japanese detective. But when Duke Red separates the two innocents, Tima's life--and the fate of the universe--is dangerously at stake"--Container.
ISBN: 076788180X
Publication Date: 2002
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