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University Library


Scandinavian Studies Guide: History

Books & Web Resources by Country

Books at UIUC

Search the Library Catalog for additional titles (e.g. "Sweden -- History").


Country Information

US Resources

Books at UIUC

Search the Library Catalog for additional titles (e.g. "Denmark -- History").


Books at UIUC

Search the Library Catalog for additional titles (e.g. "Norway -- History").

Country Information



Books at UIUC

Search the Library Catalog for additional titles (e.g. "Finland -- History").

Country Information

Books at UIUC

Search the Library Catalog for additional titles (e.g., "Iceland -- History").

Country Information

History, Newspaper & Philosophy

The History, Newspaper & Philosophy Library also has resources for Scandinavian history.

Archival Documents

General Resources

Books at UIUC

Visit the Library Catalog to search for books on Scandinavian history (e.g. by the subject search "Scandinavia -- History.")  Some sample books are also listed here; hover over the information icon for descriptions.

Online Resources


History Databases