This page contains links to medical information. Here you can find links to many websites concerned with healthcare and related topics, though not necessary from a legal perspective. In an interdiciplinary area like Health Law it is important to investigate resources from acroos related diciplines.
Another great resource on campus is the Library of the Health Sciences. This library is unique among the University Libraries in Urbana and Champaign because it is actually part of UIC.
Just as health law blawgs can be useful for tracking current issues and topic selection, medical blogs can offer the same value.
Locating medical information will require the use of university library resources (e.g. Main Library.) You can search through the library catalog or by looking directly at collections of articles and databases.
There are three different library catalogs to search, try them in this order:
If you want a specific item search by title or author. If your not sure what you want try a keyword search. Both the UIUC catalog and I-Share use the same interface. For those, on the right side of the results page there will be column you can use to narrow your search results. For example if you go under the 'location' heading and select 'law' you will limit the search results to only those items in the law library.
If you can't find what you need in the UIUC or I-Share catalogs, try WorldCat.
For more information on how to use the library catalog ask at the law library reference desk or if you're shy try this LibGuide.
Journals & Databases:
One can also search for onine for journls, articles, & databases through the university library. The links below are great starting points.
If you are searching within a resource and only find and title entry or abstract look to see is there is a "Discover: UIUC full text linking" box next to your entry. This icon will connect you to those UIUC databases which have a full text of the article or a link to the catalog if it is available in print.
The "discover" icon looks like this
University of Illinois at Chicago had an excellent research guide with specifc tips for searching on Medline and PubMed.
The U of I Library maintains subscriptions to these medical information databases. These research tools may require a netID password.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of popular medical journals.