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Health Law & Bioethics: Books, Treatises, & Other Sources

This guide is tailored to students seeking assistance with paper topic selection & related research for Prof. Wilson's Health Law & Bioethics seminar. Other researchers may find this guide useful for finding resources related to health law & bioethics.


This page conatins information about books, blawgs, and treatises on health law and bioethics.

Use this page to help you find items in the UIUC catalog, online, and on the internet. These materials are good for both topic selection and initial research steps.

Health Law & Bioethics Blawgs (law blogs)

There are lots of way to find a blawg (law blog). The ABA Blawg Directory is a great place to start. Each year the ABA also puts out a list of the best 100 blawgs

You can also search for blogs using a search engine. While Google previously had a blog-specific search, you now must include "blog" or "blawg" as a search term to retrieve the best results. Below is a sample of some health law and bioethics blawgs.

Bill of Health

  • Examines the intersection of law and health care, biotech & bioethics.

Bioethics Forum

  • Diverse commentary on issues in bioethics.

Law and Biosciences Blog

  • Hosted by Stanford Law School's Center for Law and the Biosciences. Also has podcast.

  • The Blog of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues

A Blog on Bioethics

  • A blog on bioethics by the director of Yale's bioethics center

How to Use the Library Catalog

Searching the UIUC online catalog:

There are three different library catalogs to search, try them in this order:

  • The U of I catalog includes only the holdings at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign.
  • The I-Share catalog searches the catalogs of 85 Illinois academic libraries (easiest way to borrow a book not in our collection)  
  • WorldCat searches a worldwide network of libraries. (netID and password will be needed to access off campus)

If you want a specific item search by title or author.  If your not sure what you want try a keyword search.  Both the UIUC catalog and I-Share use the same interface.  For those, on the right side of the results page there will be column you can use to narrow your search results.  For example if you go under the 'location' heading and select 'law' you will limit the search results to "LAW" in order to locate only those items in the law library.

If you can't find what you need in the UIUC or I-Share catalogs, try WorldCat. We can request books from non-I-Share libraries, but plan ahead because these request need more time to process.

For more information on how to use the library catalog ask at the law library reference desk or if you're shy try this LibGuide.

BNA Resources

BNA has several topical electronic collections which contain both primary and secondary law. Many of these content areas directly or indirectly cover health law and bioethic topics. Take a moment to review the full list of BNA resources  and identify those collections which relate to your topic.

Below are a few examples of related BNA collections.

Books & Treatises

Scroll through to look at some examples of items in our collection? Use the call number to go to the stacks and find similar titles.

Links to sources for books and treatises

Traditionally the term treatise meant a bound physical book or series of books. More frequently these materials are moving online, however, some treatise still only exist in print. Those treatises which are available online are often exclusive to a single vendor (i.e. they are on Westlaw OR Lexis, but not both.) Bloomberg Law also has a fair amount of online texts and treatises.

When searching for treatises be sure to look in the UIUC catalog, as well as several different databases.