Alternative Fuels Data Center: ToolsThe Alternative Fuels Data Center offers a large collection of helpful tools. These calculators, interactive maps, and data searches can assist fleets, fuel providers, and other transportation decision makers in their efforts to reduce petroleum use.
ATSDR ToxGuidesQuick reference guides providing information such as chemical and physical properties, sources of exposure, routes of exposure, minimal risk levels, children's health, and health effects.
Building Energy Software Tools DirectoryHosted by IBPSA-USA, this directory has vendor-driven content and supports images, video, ratings, reviews, and search, sort, and filter functions.
Congressional Research Service ReportsThe Congressional Research Service, a component of the Library of Congress, conducts research and analysis for Congress on a broad range of national policy issues. While many CRS memoranda are generated in response to individual Member or staff inquiries and are confidential, most CRS reports are available to anyone who has access to a congressional intranet. Yet at the direction of Congress, CRS does not make even its non-confidential publications directly available to the public online. In order to help overcome this unnecessary barrier, the Federation of American Scientists endeavors to provide current, regularly updated public access to as many non-confidential CRS reports as possible. These reports are provided without congressional or CRS authorization as a public service.
Contaminant Hazard ReviewsContains the 35 reports in the Contaminant Hazard Reviews (CHR) that were published originally between 1985 and 1999 in the U.S. Department of the Interior Biological Report series.
Index of Sampling & Analytical Methods (OSHA)An alphabetical list of chemicals that have either a validated or partially validated OSHA method. Some chemicals may be listed by their common synonym. The index includes the method number, validation status, CAS no., analytical instrument and sampling device. A key for abbreviations is located at the end of the index.
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)A human health assessment program that evaluates information on health effects that may result from exposure to environmental contaminants. Contains information on more than 550 chemical substances.
Library of Congress Science Tracer BulletsResearch guides to help you locate information on science and technology subjects. With brief introductions to the topics, lists of resources and strategies for finding more, they help you to stay "on target."
National Environmental Test Methods IndexA free, web-based, searchable compendium of environmental methods. NEMI is maintained under the direction of the Methods and Data Comparability Board, a partnership of water-quality experts from Federal agencies, States, municipalities, industry, and private organizations.
National Science Digital LibraryOnline portal for education and research on learning in
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
National Service Center for Environmental PublicationsDigital archive of EPA's publications. Also searchable via Google using their site search feature. Type your search terms into the Google search box, followed by
P2 InfoHouseSearchable online collection of more than 50,000 pollution prevention (P2) related publications, fact sheets, case studies and technical reports.
Prairie Research Institute Publications in IDEALSIDEALS collects, disseminates, and provides persistent and reliable access to the research and scholarship of faculty, staff, and students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Prairie Research Institute IDEALS Community includes publications of the Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS), the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS), the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS), the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC), and the Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS).
OSTI.govOSTI.GOV is the primary search tool for DOE science, technology, and engineering research and development results and the organizational hub for information about the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information. It consolidates OSTI’s home page and our now retired primary search tool SciTech Connect.
U.S. Government Accountability OfficeThe U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the "congressional watchdog," GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars. Join their mailing list to receive a daily update of reports released by the agency.
USDA Current Research Information SystemProvides documentation and reporting for ongoing agricultural, food science, human nutrition, and forestry research, education and extension activities for the United States Department of Agriculture; with a focus on the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) grant programs.
Water and Agriculture Information Center BibliographiesThe list below contains dynamic search bibliographies produced by the Water and Agriculture Information Center. The bibliography is intended to provide quick access to related topics that might require otherwise complex searches in the National Agricultural Library databases.