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Balkan Studies (Multi-disciplinary Resources): Scopus

A guide to the many multidisciplinary resources for Balkan Studies.


Scopus is commonly thought of as a science database.  However, it can also be very useful if you are looking for information on a social science topic.  It actually provides better coverage for the social sciences in the Balkan languages than most other databases.  A search for any items in the social sciences by language produced the following results:

  • Albanian: 2
  • Bosnian: 970
  • Bulgarian: 1,181
  • Croatian: 6,584
  • Macedonian: 29
  • Romanian: 3,702
  • Serbian: 2,186
  • Slovene: 4,816

However, most of what you will find will be in linguistics or psychology.  There are some materials in political science but not as many as the "multi-disciplinary" description would imply.

Scopus allows for the same basic features as most of the other databases.  Thus it is possible to get your results sent as an RSS feed as you can see in the left hand column of this page. 

A Scopus search always yields a page that allows you to refine the search by limiting to a particular author, journal, topic, year, or document type.  You can also find information on the author of a particular work, often including contact information.  Like other such sources Scopus includes a citation tracker for individual citations.

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Slavic Reference Service
Slavic Reference Service
International and Area Studies Library
Room 317
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1408 West Gregory Drive
Urbana, Illinois 61801