AND narrows a search (more precise; fewer results retrieved)
OR broadens a search (more inclusive; more results retrieved)
NOT excludes unwanted terms/concepts
an asterisk* after a term will find all variants of that term (child* will find child, children, childhood, etc.)
use parentheses to search a group of terms as a set
use "quotation marks" around a phrase to search those terms only a phrase
For more about search syntax, see Cochrane Database Syntax Guide.
P ("subject/Mesh term" OR "keyword")
I ("subject/Mesh term" OR keyword)"
C ("subject/Mesh term" OR keyword) (there may not be a comparison)
O ("subject/Mesh term" OR "keyword)"
*ANDing intervention and comparison will require that both aspects are represented in results
ORing intervention with comparison with return literature that represents either or both.
Most databases offer options that will refine or limit your search results.
Typical options include:
Search Filters for specific study design/focus (from InterTASC Information Specialists' Sub-Group)
Search Filters by Study Design (from Harvard Countway Library)
Methodology Search Filters by Study Design - Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard University