Beyond the Bubble by Botond BognarThe most up-to-date guide available to some of the best of contemporary Japanese architecture, including the work of the most exciting architects working in Japan today.
ISBN: 9780714845753
Publication Date: 2008-12-19
How to Look at Japanese Art by Stephen AddissAn introduction to Japanese art which emphasizes various distinctive attributes as well as the cultural context. It discusses six major art forms: painting, sculpture, prints, ceramics, calligraphy and garden design. The latter has a role in the practice of Zen Buddhism.
ISBN: 9780810926400
Publication Date: 1996-03-30
Place, Time and Being in Japanese Architecture by Kevin NuteThis work examines built forms which, by actively celebrating a particular place, time or pattern of material being, seem able in a number of ways to enhance our experience of existence. In addition to highlighting the transcultural human benefits of such environments, Place, Time and Being in Japanese Architecture also illustrates generally applicable strategies for revealing these universal parameters in built forms. It is suggested that greater use of such techniques could not only help to sustain environmental and cultural identities against the homogenizing effects of globalization, but can also heighten our appreciation of the peculiar condition 'being here now.'
ISBN: 0419240101
Publication Date: 2004-05-17
Japanese Art and Design by Greg Irvine (Editor)The V&A has the UK s largest permanent display of Japanese art, housing objects made over 1500 years. Collecting Japanese objects from its founding in 1852, the Museum has played a significant role in bringing the art of Japan to the attention of designers, manufacturers and the British public. This tradition continues to the present day, and in this new book some of the world s leading researchers in the field bring their attention to the V&A s unparalleled collection. Ten chapters focus on subjects including religion and ritual; samurai military and aristocratic culture; the highly aestheticized tea ceremony, which has been a notable feature of Japanese culture from the Medieval period to the present day; Edo-period urban fashions including lacquer and fashionable dress; Ukiyo-e and the graphic arts (prints, illustrated books, paintings, screens and contemporary photography); exchanges with the West and participation in world exhibitions, right up to modern and contemporary crafts and product design, including high-tech design.
This is the Britanica page discussing Japanese Art written by James T. Ulak
Curator of Japanese Art, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sakler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Coauthor of Asian Art in the Art Institute of Chicago.
Japan has the most number of Prizker Winners. Prizker Architecture Prize is the most prestigious prize in Architecture, often called "Nobel Prize of Architecture." This is a good website to take a glance at projects which made architects won the prize.
This LibGuide is provided primarily for but not limited to those who are in Architecture major and take the ARCH 576 seminar. Any student who's interested in Japanese Architecture will find the guide helpful.
Helpful Databases
The following is a list of some key resources related to art and architecture. These are meant to be as a starting point–be sure to check our Finding Resources page for more links and searching tips.