COMdocs are the working documents and communications issed by the Commission. These are seen as of considerable importance as a reflection of the Commission’s activities, views, and priorities. The numbering of the COMdocs refers to the year and the chronological order in which it was issues that year [i.e. COM (2001) 5]
Proposals for Legislation
When a proposal for legislation is approved by the Commission, it will be published as a COMdoc. Usually, these will have have two parts: the explanatory memoradum and the actual text. The explanatory memorandum give gives background information on the subject and justifies the proposed recourse. The actual text is written in legal language in the mold of a directive or regulation
Green and White Papers
Often the Commission will seek the opinion of Member States, lobbyists, civil society, etc. before making formal proposals for legislation. This is done by distributing Green and White Papers to the aforementioned groups for perusal.
White Papers: Concrete proposals for Community action in specific areas.
Green Papers: Documents for more general discussion in areas of policy orientation.
Reports on the implementation/application of policy
At times the Commission will report on the implementation or functioning of an existing European Union contrivance
Annual reports or Expert reports
COMdocs are also used for the publication of annual reports on particular aspects of EU policy or to reproduce the report of a group of experts requested by the Commission to investigate an EU aspect or concern
Green and White papers are searchable with the given links above. Most COMdocs, including Green and White Papers, can be found in the Register of the European Commission.