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University Library


ARTD 570 Design Research Methodology

This guide supplements the library session for ArtD 570 done on Februray 7, 2019. It provides links to databases and handouts used for this class, and other information.

Books and book chapters

Books and book chapters get cited, too.  Web of Science Book Citation Index and Scopus are two databases that provide records for books and book chapters along with Times Cited by other publications in those respective databases.


Below a search was done for the same book in both databases.  Each database indexes publications using a protocol developed to ascertain authoritativeness of the source.  This protocol also may in addition include other factors for inclusion such as publisher agreements, etc.  Therefore there will be unique titles indexed as well as overlapped ones. In the case of this exercise we see that BCI has 20 Cited By publications and Scopus has 18.  That means that BCI has at least 2 different publications that cite this book.  One or both of them may be the 'perfect' one and will be missed  if both these databases are not searched !  There may be others as there is no guarantee that the other 18 are the same, so a looksee is necessary to ascertain one way or the other.


Book Citation Index example

Book Citation Index, a part of the Web of Science suite of databases, indexes scholarly books with book chapter level records as well with full bibliographies, Times Cited counts, access to article full text, and links to our Library collection catalog records (inc. ebooks) when applicable. For this exercise we are searching the Book Citation Index -- Social Sciences & Humanities edition. 


Here is an example of how a title with articles that cite it displays in the search Results list .....

Book Citation Index record example of times cited


... and here is how the record of the title looks ...

book citation index example of record for times cited


Scopus example

Scopus has nearly 530 book series indexed in it. All books in Scopus have Cited By data for displayed in the results list and full records.  Find a book in Scopus by:

1)  entering your Search words ([put " "s  around words you want as a phrase)

2)  select the Article, title, Abstract, Keywords field

3)  limit your search Document Type to "Books"

.... like this ....

Scopus example of book search



Here is an example of how a title with articles that cite it displays in the search Results list .....

Scopus results list example of times cited

.... and here is how the record of the title looks ...

Scopus record example of times cited