Art & Architecture Source
Art & Architecture Source records have "Times Cited in this Database" to articles that cite that article in that database. Just click on the that link and a list of the records for the articles citing that article will display. You can then access the full text , link to the articles cited in the article, and the articles that cite it, when available. And so on and so forth!
Be aware that the article may be cited in other articles that are not indexed in this database. That is why it can be productive to explore other databases as well.
Here is an example of how a title with articles that cite it displays in the Search Results list .....

.... and here is how the record of the title looks ...

There are 4 cites for this 2000 article. They are published in the following years:
1 – 2018
1 – 2009
1 – 2006
1 – 2003