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University Library


Cinema Studies Library Guide: Home


Guide Navigation

This guide provides an overview of how to locate Books, Films, Popular Reviews and Scholarly Criticism, and information about World Cinema and Animated Film.  

  • Finding Films: a selection of resources inclusive of reviews and more in-depth discussions of films.
  • Finding Books: a selection of print and electronic resources providing essential information about films.
  • Popular Reviews and Scholarly Criticism: a bibliography of print resources meant to assist you with learning about various critical,  theoretical, and historical points of view on film, ranging from classic texts to more recent works.
  • World Cinema: print and electronic resources based on films from various continents.
  • Animation: print and electronic resources based on animation studies, including history and theory from around the world.

Films for Classes

To request films for classes, use the Course Reserves page at under Requesting Purchases for Reserves.



A number of librarians and library units are responsible for cinema studies. Please send general inquires and purchase requests to or email one of the subject librarians listed below.

Antonio Sotomayor | | Latin America & Caribbean
Atoma Batoma | | Africa
Bing Wang | | China |  Korea
Kit Condill | | Eastern Europe & Eurasia
Laila Hussein | | Middle East & North Africa
Lisa Romero | | Production & Industry
Paula Carns | |  US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Europe (except Germany and Poland)
Marek Sroka | | Germany and Poland
Steve Witte | | Japanese | Korea

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