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Colombia: Online (Re)sources

Online Resources

This page lists useful websites annotating relevant research resources or providing online access to original or digitized primary sources, including maps, images (photograph, caricature, visual art, engravings and others), manuscripts, music (scores and audio recordings), books, rare books, newspapers, periodicals and statistical data.

It includes two sections: the first one includes online content about Colombia only, and the second section, includes non-University of Illinois resources related to all of Latin America.

Colombia- Comprehensive Online Sources

This page lists sites of cultural and academic organizations that provide online access to a variety of digital resources about Colombia's history, politics, and culture.


Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango - Biblioteca Virtual (Banco de la República): This site provides online open access to hundreds of  books and magazines, photographs, historical maps, online exhibits, academic publications, and audio-visual resources. Subject-areas covered are mainly history, geography, literature, music and art. Some collection highlights include "Revista Credencial Historia" (1990-),  online biographies of relevant Colombian authors and public figures, the "Complete books" section (containing books in over 50 subject-matters), and the section on Historical Cartographies.


Biblioteca Virtual, Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia: Provides online access to complete books of Colombian literature, articles about historical primary sources, manuscripts, rare books, audio recordings, maps, photographs, plates,and others. Materials available through this date from around 1490 to the twenty-first century born-digital documents. Some highlights from this resources are "Gaboteca" (a page with special resources about the life and work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, including excerpts from his novels read by Garcia Marquez himself), and "Biblioteca Básica de Cultura Colombiana" section (provides access to the full texts of classic Colombian literature). Access the catalog here.

A highlight from these digital resources is the Library's special collection on Football: "Especial de Fútbol en la Biblioteca Nacional


Archivo General de la Nacion: Provides online access to historical primary sources from the Colonial period to the twentieth century. Also provides information about special collections and Series held at the National Archive, located in Bogota, Colombia.

Academia Colombiana de Historia: This site provides information about events, research, the library catalog and associated institutions with Colombia's Academy of History. It also offers online access to the Academy's newsletter and magazine.

Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica: The "Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica" (CNMH) is Colombia's State institution in charge of building historical memory related with the country's long-standing political violence collecting.  The CNMH provides online access to research reports, videos, handouts, documentaries, pedagogical tool-kits, and other resources, relevant for understanding Colombia's political violence.


Biblioteca Pública Piloto: This Library, founded as a model library by UNESCO in 1952, is one of the oldest and most important public libraries in Colombia and Latin America. It provides online access to photographs, online exhibits, audiovisuals, e-books, and others.


Instituto Geografico Agustin CodazziThis is Colombia's national agency in charge of producing official maps and geographical data in Colombia. This site provides online access to interactive maps showing geographical and land's characteristics of Colombia's territory, as well as statistical information and some historical maps. 


Instituto Humboldt: This is Colombia's National institute in charge o conduct research and monitor Colombia's biodiversity. This site provides online access to a large number of publications concerning research, news, recommendations and policy on biodiversity in Colombia. 


Museo Nacional de Colombia: This is Colombia's largest museum of art and history, established in 1824. The Museum's website offers online access to online exhibits, and to publications about art and museum curating. This page also provides information and news about the Museum's current and past exhibits, news an event information.

Other relevant sites


Presidencia de la Republica: Provides online access to Colombia's political constitution, relevant regulations, laws, and information and links to the main governmental offices in the country. It also provides an archive of speeches, news, and other information related with Colombia's  national government.

Colciencias: This is Colombia's national agency of science and technology, which leads the national science system, and promotes research and education in different fields of science, technology and innovation. Colciencias' website provide news and publications related with the Colombia's policies and process in advancing  scientific research.

Parques Nacionales Naturales: Colombia's National office of national parks provide information about the national park system.

Regional Museums: Art museums at Colombia's largest cities provide rich information about local, national and international artists, that are relevant for studying the dynamic of local culture. Some of these sites provide access to online resources and publications. There are also relevant museums of natural science, history, and technology,  Some of these are:

This page lists Governmental offices responsible of collecting statistical data in a wide range of topics, and a non-profit organization leading collection of demographic data. Sites listed provide online access to a large amount of statistical data an reports.


DANE - Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica This site from Colombia's official department of statistics, provides online access to a large range of statistics on diverse economic activities and demographic data. Data is available for topics as agriculture, environment, education, health, market prices, technology, national finances, industry, international trade, cultural activities, and others

Departamento Nacional de Planeacion (DNP), Estudios Economicos:  This site from Colombia's office of planning provides access to data and official studies concerning major topics of  Colombia's government.

Profamilia - ENDS (Encuesta Nacional de Demografia y Salud) Profamilia is an independent nonprofit organization, which provids services and conducts research about sexual health in Colombia. Profamilia conduct the largest national survey concerning health and demography in the country: the National Survey of Demography and Health (ENDS). The ENDS survey is conducted every 5 years since 1990, and is available online until 2010. In addition, Profamilia also povides online access to additional research about reproductive rights and health

Latin American and the Caribbean - Non- U of I Online Resources

SALALM (Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) - Latin American & Caribbean Digital Primary Sources: SALALM is an organization of librarians, scholars, researchers, and students interested in developing collections about Latin American and the Caribbean, as well as related library services. SALALM's Latin American and Caribbean site on primary sources provide online access to digitized primary sources relevant for the study of the region. This site is arranged by the sources' format, including “Historical Texts by Country“, “Historical Texts General“, “Statistics“, “Visual Material by Country“, “Visual Material General“, and “Miscellaneous.”

Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP) : The LARRP is a consortium of research libraries pertaining to the Center for Research Libraries (CRL). This site provides access to journals' tables of contents, academic literature in social sciences produced in Latin America, a presidential messages database that includes presidential addresses from the early 19th century to the present, monographs, and other resources.

LANIC (Latin American Network Information Center):

LANIC is one of the largest guides for Latin American content on the web. This site lists relevant research resources and websites arranged by topic. Topics include the African Diaspora, Agriculture & Ranching, Arts & Culture, Economy, Business, Education, Environment, General Resources, Government, Law and Politics, Health, History, Human Rights, Social Justice., Immigration & Migration, Indigenous Peoples, Labor, Media & Communication, Religion, Science & Technology, Sports, and others. Note that as of July 2015, this page is no longer being actively updated or maintained, which means that some links may be outdated. Still, the list of organizations and institutions provided by topic and by country can be searched independently on the current website.

Also consider using LANIC's digital collections (found under "Digital Initiatives" at LANIC's home page), which hosts a great range of material from diverse topics and countries, thanks to a rich network of partnerships throughout Latin America and the globe. Just a few of these collections are "Religion in Latin America", "Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy", "Latin American Electronic Data Archive" and "Sustainable Development Reporting Project". This website is currently being updated.


Google News and Google Newspapers:

Google News This source includes a large database that collects various newspapers and magazines from several countries throughout the world and provides links to each newspaper's website. This site is primarily specializes in current news. A country can be selected to obtain a specialized Google news edition on that country.

Google Newspapers provides online access to digitized international newspapers. This site includes a richer collection of historical newspapers, and fewer recent issues of the included newspapers. Holdings are arranged alphabetically by newspaper title.



Google Newspapers, Periodico El Tiempo, Colombia, 1960

Assistant Professor and Librarian of Latin American and Caribbean Studies

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