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University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Video Collections in the Social Sciences and Health: Alexander Street Press

The library has access to a plethora of videos related to the social sciences, health, education, and many more topics.

Alexander Street Press Features

  • Searchable Transcripts
    All Alexander Street Press videos come with searchable transcripts, so that you not only find videos that deal with your topic briefly, but jump right to relevant parts of the video.
  • Create Clips
    You can easily create a clip of any video, making it easy to excerpt videos for use in the classroom.
  • Mobile Access
    Watch Alexander Street Press Videos on your mobile device.
  • Jump Straight from Transcript to Video
    The transcripts are hyperlinked to corresponding sections of the video, so that you can click on any sentence in the transcript and start watching the video from that point seamlessly.
  • Cite Permanent Links
    Alexander Street Press provides the ability to link permanently to both full videos and user created clips, making it easy to point other users back to the video in a citation.
  • Create Playlists
    Create playlists of clips and videos and share them with other users. Many professors are already using this function to make it easy for students to locate assigned videos.

Alexander Street Press Video Collections

The Alexander Street Press Video Collection is a set of streaming videos with incredible technical capabilities. There are many video collections relevant to the social sciences, health, and education fields: