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Arab Spring: Egypt

This guide aims to direct those who are studying the Arab Spring to relevant Arabic resources within the University of Illinois and in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, and Sudan.

UIUC Library Resources

Journals and Magazines
(Recent issues available in the International and Area Studies Library)

Egypt Today

Call Number:  962.16005 CA1

Ruz al Yusuf

Call Number: AP95.A6 R86

Milaff al-Ahram al-istiratiji/ Al-Ahram strategic file 

Call Number: DS63.1 .M5588

Search Strategies

This list of Keywords and phrases will allow you to hone your search for materials on Egypt during the Arab Spring

  • January 25 Revolution 
  • ثورة ٢٥ يناير
  • 2011 Egyptian Uprising 
  • الإنتفاضة المصرية عام ٢٠١١ 
  • Egyptian Uprising
  • الإنتفاضة المصرية
  • Egyptian Protests
  • الاحتجاج المصري
  • Pro-Democracy Movements Egypt
  • الحركات المؤيدة للديمقراطية المصرية
  • Revolution Egypt
  • الثورة المصرية
  • "Arab Spring" Egypt
  • الربيع العربي في مصر
  • Tahrir Square 
  • ميدان التحرير
  • Days of Rage in Egypt 
  • يوم الغضب في مصر
  • Hosni Mubarak 
  • حسني مبارك
  • Mohamed Morsi
  • محمد مرسي
  • Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
  • عبد الفتاح السيسي
  • Khaled Said
  • خالد السيد
  • The Muslim Brotherhood
  • جماعة الإخوان المسلمين
  • Field Marshall Mohamed Hussein Tantawi Soliman
  • محمد حسين طنطاوى سليمان
  • #tahrir 
  • التحرير#
  • #scaf
  • المجلس العسكري#
  • #jan25
  • يناير ٢٥#

Search Avenues

Al Ahram

The University of Illinois has a collection of the Egyptian newspaper, "Al Ahram" and also "Al Ahram Weekly" that is available in the History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library.  The call number for "Al Ahram" is:  FILM 079.6216 C136A. The call number for "Al Ahram Weekly" is: FILM 079.6216 C136AW.

Provided here are some examples of these newpapers as they relate to the Arab Spring

Egypt مصر

Inspired by the 2010 Tunisian revolution, Egyptian opposition groups led demonstrations and labor strikes countrywide, culminating in President Hosni MUBARAK's ouster. Egypt's military assumed national leadership until a new parliament was in place in early 2012; later that same year, Mohammed MURSI won the presidential election. Following often violent protests throughout the spring of 2013 against MORSI's government and the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), and massive anti-government demonstrations, the Egyptian Armed Forces (EAF) intervened and removed MORSI from power in mid-July 2013 and replaced him with interim president Adly MANSOUR. In mid-January 2014, voters approved a new constitution by referendum. Presidential elections to replace MANSOUR are scheduled for late May 2014. According to the constitution and the government's transitional road map, preparations for parliamentary elections will begin by mid-July 2014.(CIA World Factbook)

Relevant Materials


 Children of the Revolution

"In February 2011, millions of Egyptians came together to bring down President Hosni Mubarak in what became the defining moment of the Arab Spring. For the past year Children of the Revolution has followed three young revolutionaries as their differing visions for the new Egypt collide."

Call Number: DVD DT107.87 E397 2012


Revolution Hijacked: Post-Mubarak Egypt

"When Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak relinquished power, the country and the world dared to envision a peaceful transition to democracy. Military leaders were expected to guide the transition-but with each passing day, the army looked more and more like the regime it had replaced. This program documents the challenges Egyptians faced following the sudden implementation of military rule in February of 2011. Reports bring to light clear signs of state-sponsored thuggery and intimidation as well as censorship and other human-rights violations, including military trials with no right of appeal. Cameras capture scenes of violent clashes in which Coptic Christians and Muslim allies battle government troops and police forces. But amid the chaos and bloodshed, viewers will discern an unrelenting hope for civil society-in the diverse array of political parties competing for followers in Cairo’s Tahrir Square"

Call Number: DVD DT107.87 .R48 2011


Tahrir 2011: the Good, the Bad, and the Politician

"When Egyptians woke up on January 25th, 2011, they never expected the one day demonstration planned for that public holiday to evolve into a full out revolution aimed at overthrowing the regime’s 30 year long grip on power. Three talented young directors decided to tell their story of the revolution from their unique cinematic point of view, choosing to focus not only on the politics, but on a handful of individuals whose actions would determine their fate and forever change the future of their country"

Call Number: DVD DT107.88 .T347 2011

Additional Resources

Bibliography of the Egyptian Revolution

Egypt's Arab Spring Timeline

Revolution Graffiti

Art Revolution: Tunisia, Egypt, Libya

18 Days when history was made -- Al Jazeera correspondents' interviews and videos

Tahrir Documents

   Initiated in March 2011, Tahrir Documents is an ongoing effort to archive and translate activist papers from the 2011 Egyptian uprising and its aftermath. Materials are collected from demonstrations in Cairo’s Tahrir Square and published in complete English translation alongside scans of the original documents. 

I Am Jan 25

   Collection of videos and photos from the January 25 Revolution

Election 2014 

   Timeline of the dates and procedures of the 2014 Presidential Election



   Wikipedia overview


Bankrolling the Arab Spring: The Role of Philanthropy in Egypt's Political Transition

Herrold, Catherine Elizabeth. Duke University, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2013. 3605116.


Comparative Role of the Military in the Political Transition in Libya and Egypt

El-wahishi, Ali Musbah Mohamed. University of Idaho, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2013. 3572686.


Democracy prevention in the Arab world: A study of democracy prevention in Egypt

El-Hasan, Hasan Afif. University of California, Riverside, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2005. 3179375.


"IrHal!": The role of language in the Arab Spring

Harb Michel, Nazir Nader. Georgetown University, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2013. 1545514.


One Hand: Military Structure and Middle East Revolts

Burns, Sean. Northwestern University, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2013. 3595563.


Religion and the evolution of democracy: A revised Selectorate Model for the Arab Spring

Bagherpour, Amir. The Claremont Graduate University, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2012. 3512471.


Social movement success in authoritarian settings Kifaya and the Arab Spring in Egypt 2004 - 2011

McRae, Erin C.. American University, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2012. 1541444.