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Translations and Translation Studies in the Russian, Eastern European & Eurasian Context: Eastern Europe

A Brief Overview of the Field, and A Guide to Resources for Identifying Translated Works

A Treasure Trove of Print Sources

Croucher, Murlin.  Slavic studies : a guide to bibliographies, encyclopedias, and handbooks. UIUC Call Number: 016.8918 N727b.  Location: International and Area Studies Library.

Published in 1993, Murlin Croucher’s bibliography of bibliographies to Slavic Studies is an impressive and extensive collection of multilingual bibliographic sources for Slavic Europe and it covers the humanities and the social sciences.  This guide to Slavic Studies is divided into two volumes and contains ~5264 annotated entries for bibliographies, encyclopedias, and handbooks.   Each volume is organized by geographical headings and each section has its own directory of subject headings/table of contents and an extensive bibliography component.  Moreover, the compiler has included author and title indexes for each volume.  For example, the “Bulgaria Section” (Volume One) starts with the list of subject headings (each with an entry designation), followed by annotated entries for in the vernacular and European languages.  Researchers and students of Translation Studies can navigate these two volumes efficiently by first viewing the relevant subject heading and entry number, then proceeding to the title description.   In his introductory remarks, Mr. Murlin Croucher, a bibliographer and a distinguished cataloger at various institutions, called this guide a “… basic tool for research in the humanities and social sciences.”  Upon close viewing and scholarly use, researchers will discover this research tool to be an essential stepping stone to discovering the multitude of published materials for an entire region, conveniently located in the General Slavic Reference Section in the International and Area Studies Library.

A comprehesive view of translations

 Mihailovich, Vasa D.  A comprehensive bibliography of Yugoslav literature in English, 1593-1980.  UIUC Call Number: 016.89182 M58c.  Location: International and Area Studies Library

From cover to cover, a bibliography is a "print database.”  The same features, entry points, and organizational philosophy used in online databases were taken directly from print bibliographies.  Therefore, a bibliography can be just as effective as an electronic database when tracking translations for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies materials.  A comprehensive Bibliography of Yugoslav Literature in English (1593-1980) is an excellent example of this type of resource. 

If students and researchers are not empowered by the coverage years for this bibliography (1593-1980), then they will view the structure for this bibliography in a different light.  The compilers have organized this bibliography into three parts: Part One (Translations): Folk literature and Individual writers; Part Two (Criticism): Entries in reference works, books and articles, reviews, and dissertations; Part Three (Indexes): English titles or 1st lines of translations, Original titles or 1st lines of original, Periodicals and newspapers, and Subject and name.   To add weight to its comprehensive scope, this bibliography contains ~5255 entries.  If research and convenience could exist in one place, then it will be in this bibliography.

Ukrainian Literature in Translation

Piasecky, Oksana.  Bibliography of Ukrainian literature in English and French : translations and critical works (1950-1986).  UIUC Call Number: 016.89179 P573B  Location: International and Area Studies Library [Note: Copy 2 in Main Stacks].

Over the years bibliographers and catalogers attached to the Slavic section have strengthened the various sections of the Slavic reference collection. This guide to translations is one of many sources in the International and Area Studies Library / Ukrainian reference section.  In terms of translation sources for Ukraine and Ukrainian Studies, this bibliography covers the years 1950-1986 and contains approximately 370 pages of citations.  Moreover, this bibliography is divided into the following sections: “… Ukrainian literature of the Kyivan period, Ukrainian literature from the 13th to 18th centuries, modern Ukrainian literature, Soviet Ukrainian literature, and Ukrainian literature of the diaspora.” Within these sections, author entries are organized alphabetically.  Each author entry contains first and last name (Ukrainian spelling and transliteration), followed by biographical data (pseudonyms and date of birth/death), and  translations of the author’s works in English and French.  Lastly, the compiler has included the list of reference works consulted, journals surveyed, and two indexes (Index of authors and Index of Critics) for browsing this bibliography. 

Many roads lead to Budapest: From Hungarian to English / From Czech - Slovak to Hungarian

Subject (LCSH):

Literature --Translations into Hungarian --Bibliography;
Hungarian literature --Translations from foreign languages --Bibliography;
Hungarian literature --Translations into English --Bibliography.


Czigány, Magda. Hungarian literature in English translation published in Great Britain, 1830-1968; a bibliography UIUC Call Number: 016.894511 C99h.

Published in 1969, this bibliography “... includes the English translation of the works of Hungarian authors … who are generally regarded as Hungarian, and who write in Hungarian, regardless of the country they reside in.”(See: Introduction, p. 8). Moreover, this guide to Hungarian literature translations in Britain is divided into two main sections: “a selected bibliography of books and articles on Hungarian literature”(Note: the compiler has included “only books in English published in England and periodical articles of some length and importance from English periodicals are included”) and “a bibliography of works translated into English from 1830-1968.” There are ~250 entries for articles and books. The compiler has included a chronological index of translations, an index of names, and most importantly, has consulted printed catalogs(British Museum, Library of Congress, Bodleian Library, and Cambridge University Library) and card catalogues at British and Hungarian libraries.


Käfer, István.  A szlovák és a cseh irodalom magyar bibliográfiája a kezdetektől 1970-ig. UIUC Call Number: 016.8918K119s.  Location: Main Stacks.

Over the years the Slavic Reference Service staff have encountered print and online bibliographic resources published in Hungary. Each encounter has left the staff in awe of Hungarian sources and guides for scholars and students alike. Published in 1985, this bibliography of Hungarian translations of Czech and Slovak literature is a monumental guide for Translation Studies. This bibliography is divided into two parts: Hungarian translations of Slovak literature and translations of Czech literature. There are ~20, 348 entries for translations of works by Czech and Slovak authors, anthologies, and literary criticism. The compiler has included a directory of journal abbreviations, and indexes for authors and translators for Czech and Slovak sections.

Jewish Translations: a bibliography of bibliographies and studies

Singerman, Robert.  Jewish translation history : a bibliography of bibliographies and studies. UIUC Call Number: 016.016809 J556. Location: History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library.

Complier's disclaimer: "... the scope of this endeavor is limited to translation research and bibliographies of research and is not in any way to be considered an inventory of  individual works of fiction or non-fiction written in Hebrew or Yiddish..."(See: "Compiler's Introduction,"  pp: xxxiii - xxxvi).

According to the complier of this bibliography, the guide attempts ". . . to identify bibliographies as well as published research and studies treating translation activity in the Jewish context, to or from Arabic, Hebrew, Yiddish, Judezmo (Judeo-Spanish), ec., from ca. 900 C. E. to the present day" (See: "Compiler's Introduction,"  pp: xxxiii - xxxvi). 

There are thirteen chapters (or sections) to this bibliography: 1. General (rabbinical literature and modern period);  2. Medieval and Early Renaissance, 900 to 1500; 3. Late Renaissance and Early Modern Period, 1500 to 1750; 4. Haskalah Period, 1750-1850; 5. Translations into Hebrew, 1850-2000; 6. Translations of Hebrew Israeli literature; 7. Translations to and form Yiddish; 8. Judezmo (Ladino) translations; 9. Judeo-Italian translations; 10. Judeo-Persian translations; 11. Arabic and Judeo-Arabic translations of Jewish literature; 12.  Modern Bible translations; 13. Liturgies and prayerbooks. 

This bibliography contains ~2620 entries and the entries are organized alphbetically with numerical designation for each entry.  The compiler has included a subject and author index.  Translation studies students and researchers are invited to explore the publishing and literary culture of one fo the most prolific diaspora communities in the world.

Spanish to Romanian, German to Romanian, English to Romanian...

Bibliografia relațiilor literaturii române cu literaturile străine în periodice : 1919-1944 / Ana-Maria Brezuleanu ... [et al.]. ; prefață de Dan Grigorescu.
Published:     București : Editura Saeculum I.O., 1997-
Physical Description:     v. ; 30 cm.
Subject (LCSH):     Literature --Translations into Romanian --Bibliography.
    Romanian periodicals --Bibliography
    Literature --History and criticism --Bibliography.

There is only one word that describes this bibliography: spectacular. Published by the Romanian Academy of Sciences, this guide is divided into to two sets: v. 1-3 covers the years 1859-1818 and an additional five volume set covering the years 1919-1944. The first set (v. 1-3) contains ~23, 813 entries for articles, while the second set (v.1-v.5, covering the years 1919-1944) contains ~30, 755 entries for articles. Since this bibliography examines the relations of Romanian literature with foreign literatures , the scope is quite extensive: covering the geographic areas and languages of Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin America, South America, Australia, and North America. A must view for students of Translation Studies.


From Yiddish to English

Abramowicz, Dina.  Yiddish literature in English translation; books published 1945-1967. UIUC Call Number: 016.89. 

See also: Yiddish literature in English translation: list of books in print [Published in 1976].  UIUC Call Number: 016.89249 AB8Y1976.

In addition to their Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research has produced numerous guides and catalogs for Jewish studies [See:]. Dina Abramowicz, a librarian at YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, has contributed two helpful research guides to Yiddish Literature in translation. The first guide, Yiddish literature in English translation: books published 1945-1967, was published in 1967 and includes ~217 entries. The entries are organized alphabetically with a numerical notation for each entry. The compiler has included a subject index for browsing this guide. The second guide, Yiddish literature in English translation, is an updated version of the 1967 version and contains the following sections for Yiddish books in English translations: novels, short stories, poetry and drama, essays, autobiographies and memoirs, Holocaust, Humor and Folklore, Juvenile Literature. Literary history and criticism, and an addendum section attached to this guide. There are ~122 entries in this guide, organized alphabetically with a numerical entry.

From Estonian to Kyrgyz, Tatar, Chuvash, Georgian, Armenian, Udmurt, Finnish...

Estonskaia khudozhestvennaia literatura, folʹklor i kritika na russkom i drugikh iazykakh narodov SSSR. UIUC Call Number: 016.894545K65e. Location: International and Area Studies Library

The Uralic languages of Eastern and Northern Europe and the Russian Federation constitute a vibrant cluster of publishing cultures, where translations and multilingualism became a necessity. This four volume set (v. 1[1940-1955]; v.2 [1956-1965]; v. 3[1966-1975]; v.4 [1976-1980]) focuses on translations from the Estonian language (a northern member of this language family) to Russian and others languages of the former Soviet Union.   This bibliography of translations contains ~18, 010 entries and covers thirty years of published material.  Each volume contains five main sections: Estonian literature (in Russian), criticism and literary studies (in Russian), Estonian folklore (in Russian), dissertations, and Estonian literature in the languages of the USSR.    The compilers have included several indexes for each volume, making this bibliography a sure ticket to mastering Estonian literature in translations.

Imprints of the Past: Bibliography of Jewish Bibliographies

The Jewish bibliography of bibliographies is a true masterpiece of library and information science. In order to fully appreciate this guide, researchers and students alike should examine the table of contents for this massive bibliography. There are twenty seven subject categories and each section contains numerous topical subsections, covering the entire landscape of the Jewish people and various diaspora communities around the world. The subject categories are:

encyclopedias, bibliography of bibliography, general bibliographies, catalogs of public collections, catalogs of private collections, booksellers' and publishers' catalogs, bibliographical periodicals, list of periodicals, list of periodicals ( in Hebrew, Yiddish, Judaeo-Spanish, and other dialects) published in twenty one countries, religion and philosophy, Hebrew and Aramaic language, Bible, Talmudic and Midrashic literature, Liturgies, Jewish literature, Judaeo-German, Judaeo-Spanish (and Judaeo-Portuguese), Jews and Gentiles, sociology, sects, manuscripts, personal bibliographies, secular sciences, Zionism and nationalism, Palestine and the State of Israel, history, biography and bio-bibliography, and Hebrew typography.

There are ~4727 entries for bibliographies.

In addition to the exhaustive list of subject categories, the compiler's inclusion of supplemental materials such as indexes (index of Hebrew titles, index of names and subjects), list of contents in Hebrew, and a master list of abbreviations and symbols, makes this bibliography of bibliographies the gold standard any translation studies project.

World of translations: Czech and Slovak sources

Kovtun, George J. Czech and Slovak literature in English: a bibliography. (UIUC record) UIUC Call Number: 016.89186 K849C1988.  Location: International and Area Studies Library.

George Kovtun's bibliographic guide provides an excellent introduction to Czech and Slovak literature translations. This  bibliography is divided into five sections with letter designations as section markers: anthologies [A], works of criticism and literary history [C], and works by individual authors [D and E for Czech and Slovak authors]. The compiler has included holding information and four indexes for researchers [Indexes: Czech authors, Slovak authors, authors and editors of anthologies and other works, and index of translators].

.... And from English to Slovak:

Kormúth, Dezider.  Bibliografia anglickej a americkej literatúry : krásna literatúra a literárna veda na Slovensku v rokoch 1900-1970 / [zostavil] Dezider Kormúth.  Martin : Matica slovenská, 1995.  OCLC Accession Number: 37213906