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Bibliography Help: MLA Paper/Traditional

Uni students are often asked to complete papers and projects that require using and citing resources created by others. Use these resources to make your job easier.


Disclaimer: This handout is only meant as a guide. If we tried to cover all citations you might make, we’d have a book—which is exactly what the Modern Language Association (MLA) publishes every couple of years. You should check the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th edition, if you have a question that this guide doesn’t answer. See the library for a copy (call number R 808.02 M72ml 2009 in the reference section).

Formatting your citations: In making your list of works cited, begin each entry flush with the left margin; if the entry runs more than a line long, the next lines should be indented one-half inch from the left margin. On many word processors you can accomplish this by paragraph formatting for a "hanging indent." (Whichever you choose, be consistent throughout.) Also use double spacing for your entire list, both between and within entries.


Book by two authors


  • Lastname, Firstname Middlename, and Firstname Middlename Lastname. Title of Book: Subtitle. City of Publication: Publisher, YYYY. Print.
  • Harris, Frances Jacobson, and Jenny Yi. Can You Speak Up Please?: Subbie Oral History Projects. Urbana: U Lab. High School, 2002. Print.

Book by a corporate author (a company, nonprofit, etc.)

  • Corporate Author. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, YYYY. Print.
  • University Laboratory High School Alumni Association. Uni through the Years. Urbana: U Lab. High School Alumni Assn., 2009. Print.

Book with an editor

  • Lastname, Firstname, ed. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, YYYY. Print.
  • Morris, Pat, ed. The Adventures of Bridge Building. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2009. Print.

Work in an anthology

  • Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Title of Book. Ed. Editor’s Firstname Lastname. City of Publication: Publisher, YYYY. pp-pp. Print.
  • Khan, Ghengis. "Feedback Cycles Changed My Life." History through Flowcharts. Ed. Chris Butler. Boston: HarperCollins, 2005. 127-34. Print.


Article from a magazine

  • Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Title of Magazine DD MONTH [abbreviate except for May, June, and July] YYYY: pp-pp. Print.
  • Stone, David M. "Secrets of Exploravision Winners." Science Teacher News 15 Oct. 2009: 120-22. Print.

Article from a journal

  • Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Title of Journal Vol.Issue# (YYYY): pp-pp. Print.
  • York, Maurice. "Trapped in Graduate School." Low Down Review 16.4 (2007): 6-17. Print.
  • Rayburn, Steve. "To Ban or Not to Ban: Teens Discuss Controversial Library Books." Journal of Censorship in Schools 12 (2008): 323-30. Print.

Signed article from a daily newspaper

  • Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper DD Mon. YYYY, Edition: SectionPage+. Print.
  • Perez-Pena, Richard. "CUNY and California Curbs: Parallels in Approach." New York Times 13 May 2008: B8. Print.
  • Chandler, Mary. "Uni Students End World Hunger." News-Gazette [Champaign] 20 Apr. 2008, morning ed., A2+. Print.

Unsigned article from a daily newspaper

  • "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper DD Mon. YYYY, Edition: SectionPage. Print.
  • "I’m Leaving My Money to the Uni High Library." News-Gazette [Champaign] 15 Sept. 2009: A1. Print.
  • "Anonymous Donor Leaves $1 Billion to University Laboratory High School, Urbana." Wall Street Journal 20 Oct. 2009: C1+. Print.