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Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevskiĭ (1821-1881)

Kandel's recommendations

When researching Dostoyevsky, or any such vast topic, that has been written on prolifically for a long time, point to just one bibliography and say that it is in any way exhaustive.  That is why in this, and other cases of in-depth research, bibliographies of bibliography are such an invaluable source.  Among many advantages of using this type of resource is that it will often list valuable bibliographies contained within volumes, such as an author’s complete works, or specially-dedicated issues of journals, which would be otherwise very difficult, if not impossible to track in library catalogs.



One of the very useful classics is the Russkaia khudozhestvennaia literatura i literaturovedenie. Ukazatel' spravochno-bibliograficheskikh posobii s kontsa XVIII veka po 1974 god. Kandel, B. L., Fediushina, Benina, M. A.(comp.). Moscow: Izdatel'stvo "Kniga", 1976.  Below you will find its description from the Slavic Reference Service’s   Bibliography of Russian Literary Resources section of the Research Guide.

Russkaia khudozhestvennaia literatura i literaturovedenie. Ukazatel' spravochno-bibliograficheskikh posobii s kontsa

XVIII veka po 1974 god.Kandel'
Kandel, B. L., Fediushina, Benina, M. A.(comp.). Moscow: Izdatel'stvo "Kniga", 1976.
UIUC Call Number: Russian Reference 016.8917 K13 r.




This guide to literary sources is the most current publication of its kind on the subject. The scope of the work is broad, covering folklore, children's literature, illegal publications, archival resources, literary societies, regional writers, as well as the major authors of Russia and the Soviet Union. The guide is divided into thematic sections on such topics as Marxism-Leninism in literary works, general questions, indexes of periodical publications, indexes of bibliographic works, works on pseudonyms, terminological dictionaries, individual literary periods, thematic index of literature, index of sources on individual writers and an index of literary critics. The entry above which can be found on p.66 of the bibliography, is representative of the type of detail that can be expected in the annotations throughout the work. The compilers give a basic profile of each work listed, including information on the number of entries, the depth of coverage and the basic arrangement. The work does suffer from the censorship of the period. Nevertheless, it is an essential guide for the literature of the period. It is encouraging to know that the work is presently being updated at theRussian National Library and should be published soon.

When perusing a bibliography of bibliographies one may often be astounded by the variety of bibliographic guides available and their widely differing foci.  Bear in mind that although a certain bibliography may not be pertinent to your particular work at the moment, it may be a veritable goldmine of information to someone pursuing a different, perhaps more obscure, angle of research

Here are some of the bibliographies presented by Russkaia khudozhestvennaia literatura i literaturovedenie.  For a complete list, please refer to the work itself.

1. Seminarii po Dostoevskomu / Grossman, Leonid Petrovich, 1888-1965.  Letchworth, 1972.

 Location: Main Stacks  891.73 D74DG911972

2. Polnoe sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedeniĭ / Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881.  Leningrad, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo, 1926-30.

Location: Main Stacks 891.73 D74I1926

Bibliographic entries found within the notes to the 13 volumes are annotations to the works they contain.  Vol. 13 contains, “Bibliografiia Dosoevskogo” on pp. 617-625.  The bibliography contains some 300 entries, listing FMD letters, published works, and critical literature.  Vol. 5 contains on pp. 464-465 an annotated list works, “Literatura o ‘Prestuplenii i nakazanii’ i bibliografii o Dostoevskom”  (compiled by A. Tseitlin).

3. Dostoevskii i ego vremia / [ Sbornik pod red. V.G. Bazanova i G.M. Friedlendera] .  Leningrad: Nauka, 1971.


Location: Main Stacks  Call no. 891.73 D74DB34

 This monograph contains a bibliography on pp.  322-353. The compiler was S.V. Belov.

4. Dostoevskii: materialy i issledovaniia.  Leningrad, nauka, 1974-.

Location: Main Stacks 891.73 D74DD74M

Another bibliography compiled by S.V. Belov

5. Khronika roda Dostoevskogo, 1506-1933: [zapisi proshlogo, vospominaniia i pisma]. / Pod red. M. Tsiavlovskogo.  Moskva: Sever, 1933. 

Location: Slav Ref and Oak St.  Call Number: 891.73 D74BV88  

This work will be of greatest interest to those interested in the genealogy of the Dostoevskii family.  It traces the family tree from the 16th century until the 1930s.  Includes bibliographical entries, which include hand-written materials in Russian, Polish and German from mid 19th century.  Genealogical tables are included, as well as a bibliography on pp. 431-434.

6. Dostoevskii v Peterburge: kraevedcheskii ocherk Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1970. 

Location: Main Stacks  Call no. 891.73 D74BS77

Within the work of particular interest may be, “Peterburgskie adresa F.M. Dostevskogo” (p. 270-273) ,“Literatura”pp. 274-277, and the bibliography on pp. 264-268.










7. Dostoevskii v sovremennom zarubezhnom literaturovedenii (1945-1971): osnovnye problemy i napravleniia v izuchenii ego naslediia. In:  Russkaia litearatura, 1972, no. 1, p. 192-214.

Location: Main Stacks.  Call no. 891.705 RU

8. Opisanie rukopisei F.M. Dostoevskogo / Nechaeva, V.S. Moskva, 1957.

Location: Oak Street. Call no. 891.73. D74AN28

The work lists Dostoevsky’s manuscripts, correspondence, notes, official documents.  Libraries and archives where the documents are housed are indicated.  The work includes 4000 entries from the 1830s.  The arrangement is both alphabetical and chronological. Included is a substantial introductory article, “Rukopisnoe nasledie F.M. Dostoevskogo”.  As an added point of interest the work contains several facsimiles of Dostoevski’s writing.


9. Opisanie rukopisei i izobrazitelnykh materialov Pushkinskogo doma.  Moskva: Akademiia nauk SSSR 1951-

Location: Main Stacks  Call no. 891.706 AK1o

Of interest is volume 5, “I.A. Goncharov i F.M. Dostoevskii”.  Included therein, among others, are the list of autographs and other hand-written materials related to FMD, a descriptive summary of the fond containing artistic works and mementos, as well as an annotated list of holdings separated by type (paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, etc.).

10. Dostoevskii v sovremennom zarubezhnom literaturovedenii. (1945-1971) (Osnovnye problemy i napravleniia v izuchenii ego naslediia). / Grigorev, A.L.  In: Russkaia literatura. 1972, no. 1, p. 192-214.

Location: Main Stacks Call Number: 891.705 RU 

11. Rukopisi F.M. Dostoevskogo [microform]: katalog / Gosudarstvennaia publichnaia biblioteka imeni M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrina. Sost. R.B. Zaborova.

Location: Slavic Library. MFICHE 891.73. D74AZ11

This is a second edition of the 1963 work.  It gives detailed description of manuscripts, correspondence, and FMD’s documents. Included are also documents of FMD’s relatives, notes to staging of plays based on his works in mid 19th century. 

12. Biblioteka Dostoevskago: po neizdannym materialam : s prilozeheniem kataloga biblioteki Dostoevskago / Leonid Grossman.  Odessa, 1919.

Location: Main Stacks 891.73 D74BG87b

Includes a list of books and journals in Russian and other languages of FMD’s library.  A detailed catalog of the library is included (pp. 125-164).  Includes bibliographical references and indexes.