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University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevskiĭ (1821-1881)

F. M. Dostoevskii lives in the Main Stacks and at Oak Street

Looking for F. M. Dostoevskii

Nikolaĭ Nasedkin.  Dostoevskiĭ ėntsiklopediia.  Moskva: Algoritm, 2003.  ISBN: 5-9265-0100-8.  UIUC Call Number: 891.73D74 DN17.  Location: International and Area Studies Library. 

Did you ever research a paper on Dostoevskii but could not recall some detail about one of the myriad characters he created or some of the colorful personages that surrounded him, many of whom served as inspiration for characters in his novel?  Chances are this work will provide the answers.  This encyclopedic guide is divided into three sections: "Proizvedeniia," (pp. 12-136) [ Notes: "Works" section is helpful  for tracking where and when things were published]; "Personazhi" [Notes: Check out this section if you are looking for information on Dostoevskiĭ characters]," (pp. 137-498); "Vokrug Dostoevskogo," (pp. 499-791)[Notes: Here is where you get to know his contemporaries, friends, family, collaborators in literature and politics, etc., as well as their personal observations about F. M. Dosteovskiĭ.  The "Table of Contents(p. 799)" also includes a helpful list of abbreviations, important dates in the life of Fedor Mikhaĭlovich and a literature section. Although the work contains a good dose of trivia, one of its major drawbacks is lack of bibliographic annotations. 

 Subject (LCSH): Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881 --Encyclopedias.



Kenneth Lantz.  The Dostoevsky Encyclopedia. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2004.  ISBN: 0-313-30384-3.  UIUC Call Number: 891.73 D74 DL296.  Location: International and Area Studies Library.  

  This encyclopedia is a factual gold mine for Dostoevskii and his literary world.  You can easily browse it by first looking at the "Topical List of Entries"[Sections: "Dostoevsky's literary works and journalism"; "Family members, friends, and acquaintances"; "Homes and memorable places in Dostoevsky's life"; "Themes and issues in Dostoevsky's life and works"; "Russian writers, critics, thinkers, and historical figures"; "Non-Russian writers, artists, and thinkers"; "Literary and intellectual groupings and movements"; "Journals and Newspapers."], or by exploring "the alphabetical list of entries" (See "master list," vii-x).  The "Journals and Newspapers" section provides publicaiton background information, names of famous editors, and Dosteovskii's contributions to these serial publications.  A must in your "starting to discover Dostoevskii" toolbox. The work is in English, which makes it more accessible, particularly for a researcher interested in Dostoevskii, but still lacking the fluency in Russian.

For fun, check out the entry for Edgar Allan Poe(1806-1849) [p.327] and follow the comparison trail. 

Subject (LCSH): Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881 --Encyclopedias.

Reference Guide

William Leatherbarrow.  Fedor Dostoevsky: a reference guide.  Boston, MA: G. K. Hall, 1990.  Sections:  Writings by Fedor Dostoevsky, xxxiii-xxxviii; Writings about Fedor Dostoevsky, pp. 1-292; Indexes, pp. 293-317 (Author Index, pp.293-304; Subject Index, pp. 305-317).   UIUC Call Number: 891.73D74AL483.  Location: International and Area Studies Library.  UIUC library record.

According to the compiler, this reference guide is intended "... both as a practical bibliography for use by scholars, critics, and students and as an analytical guide to critical writings on Dostoevsky from 1846-1988."  Entries are arranged "by order of publication date, and where a work was published serially the date of the last installment is used." There are approximately 1, 200 entries in Russian, English, and other major European languages in the "writings about Dostoevsky" /criticism section.  The introductory chapter skillfully provides the researcher with an overview of F. M. Dostoevskii and his literary world. 


Dostoevskii: Sochneniia, Pis'ma, Dokumenty
Dostoevskii: Sochineniia, pis'ma, dokumenty: Slovar'-Spravochnik. Sankt-Peterburg: Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, 2008.
UIUC Call Number: Q.891.73D74DSL29s.  Location: International and Area Studies Library. 
This volume is one in the series Dostoevskii i Russkaia Kul'tura".  It is divided into four sections each of which provides an overview on the separately published works, works in collections, "unrealized" works and the works attributed to the author.  Each entry has a substantial description of the work under discussion and includes a bibliography.   There is a brief publication history for each of the published works.  For the unpublished and attributed works the volume is especially useful as these are topics somewhat difficult to track in many literary encyclopedias. It is an interesting volume that is intended for scholars at all levels.


Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' sochinenii proizvedenii iskusstva, otnosiashchikhsia zhizni i dieiatel'nosti F. M. Dostoevskago, sobrannykh v "Muzeie pamiati F. M. Dostoevskago" v Moskovskom istoricheskom muzeie imeni Imperatora Aleksandra III. 1846-1903 UIUC Call Number: MFICHE 891.73 D74AD74.  Location: International and Area Studies Library.  ONLINE.

Subject (LCSH): Russian literature --Bibliography.

25 years after his death, Dostoevski's wife Anna Dostoevskaia compiled the guide to various materials connected with her famous husband.  The collected items were extremely varied in nature from portraits and bust of FMD to full length articles on his works and brief press clippings mentioning his name.  In short, anything and everything connected even most remotely with FMD found a place in the collection.   

Anna Grigorevna donated her collection to the Imperatorskii Rosssiiskii istoricheskii muzei imeni Imperatora Aleksandra III v Moskve.  One of  its towers became Muzei pamiati F.M. Dostoevskogo.Since the museum did not have a printed catalog, Anna Grigorevna felt compelled to provide a guide to the collection. The guide lists 4,232 items housed in the museum.

The following table of contents gives an idea about the scope of the collection:

--Manuscripts of D. including letters, autographs, books with notes in margins

--Official documents, orders, diplomas connected with various parts of his life

--Collected works and separate publications of his works

--Journals and sborniki which contain his works.  Journals and newspapers under his editorship.

--Works, journals, sborniki and newspapers which contain articles on FMD, his works, portraits, busts, etc.

--Translations of his works.  Articles on his works in translation.

--Portraits of FMD

--Portraits of family members of FMD

--Portraits of his contemporaries adn friends, who were connected to his service activities and writings

--Busts of FMD

--Images of places, buildings, etc. connected with FMD. Photos of his favorite art works and scores of favorite music.  Books read by him in childhood and youth.

--Illustrations to his works

--Designs of the monument at his grave.  Views of his grave before and after erection of the monument

--Wreaths and wreath ribbons placed on his grave

--Items belonging to him and his mother

--Musical works, poems and prose works dedicated to FMD and his mother

--Publications for juvenile readers selected from the works of FMD.  Publications based on his works ("po Dostoevskomu").  Publications for the common people selected from FMD's works

--Dramatic works inspired by FMD's works.  Reviews of the production of the said dramatic works.

-- Miscellanea

The guide is easy to navigate since it contains both a name and subject index.  Although some items listed may seem at first glance peripheral, in this day and age when Dostoyevsky research often calls for obscure and heretofore not discussed minutiae, the guide can prove a valuable resource.



F. M. Dostoevskiĭ: bibliografiia proizvedeniĭ F. M. Dostoevskogo i literatury o nem: 1917-1965. Gosudarstvennyĭ Literaturnyĭ Muzeĭ.  Compilers: V. V. Akopdzhanova, S. V. Belov, G. B. Kogan, and G. B. Ponomareva. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo "Kniga," 1968.  UIUC Call Number: 891.73 D74 AF12 cop. 2.  Indexes: Subject index, pp. 359; Author Index, pp. 375-404; Index of periodicals, p. 405.   

Subject (LCSH): Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881 --Bibliography.

In the age of easy searches, universal databases, and mammoth search engines, do we still need to use print bibliographies? The answer, although it may come as a surprise to some of the Google generation, is a resounding yes.  Contrary to an all too often held idea, not everything can be found online.  A well constructed bibliography in paper format still can be a very comprehensive and powerful tool for a researcher, combining within its pages the results of what would otherwise require hours of online searches and poring over musty tomes in archival depositories.  Moreover, a good bibliography, such as this one, organizes the information, allowing for rapid access regardless of the starting point in the research process.  Locating a well constructed bibliography saves the researcher time, discomfort, and avails him/her of a very powerful research tool.

Two important pieces of information emerge when looking at the citation for this bibliography: the considerable period of coverage, 1917-1965 and the prestigious institution, in this case, Государственный литературный музей in Moscow.  There are five main sections to this bibliography:  Proizvedeniia F. M. Dostoevskogo, pp. 16-37; Literatura o zhizini i tvorchestve F. M. Dostoevskogo, pp. 38-261; F. M. Dostoevskii i iskusstvo, pp. 262-329; Bibliograficheskie i spravochnye izdandiia,  pp. 330-350; Muzei-kvartira F. M. Dostoevskogo, pp. 351-358.  The 3738 entries are listed chronologically by year of  publication (1917-1965). There are three copies of this bibliography available for check out: two in the Main Stacks and one at Oak Street. 

The Gold Mine

F. M. Dostoevskii: ukazatel' proizvedenii F. M. Dostoevskogo i literatury o nem na russkom iazyke, 1844-2004 gg. S. V. Belov. Sankt-Peterburg: Rossiiskaia natsional'naia biblioteka, 2011UIUC Call Number:  Q. 891.73 D74AB4187.  Location: International and Area Studies Library Russian Reference. Note: Copy 2 in Main Stacks.

Published by the National Library of Russia, this bibliography is the first source to cover 160 years of critical literature published in Russian about F. M. Dostoevskii.   This comprehensive bibliography contains well over 21,665 entries and provides extensive coverage for the many aspects of F. M. Dostoevskii studies.  For example: “Dostoevskii and film,” “Dostoevskii and music,” “F. M. Dostoevskii,” the translator,” dissertations on Dostoevskii, etc (See Below: Table of Contents).   In addition, this source contains at least six indexes for quick browsing. A monumental contribution from S. V. Belov and a true gold mine for researching Dostoevskii.

Russkaia Slovesnost s XI po XIX stoletiia vkliuchitel'no

 Russkaia Slovesnost' s' XI po XIX stolietiia vykliuchitel'no. Sost. A. V. Mezer'. Spb, 1899.
 UIUC Call Number:
016.8917M57r.  Location: International and Area Studies Library.

Subject (LCSH): Russian literature --Bibliography.

 If you are looking for information on the reception of Dostoevskii's novels in russia at the time of their publication this is an excellent source.  We have this available in print in the library but it is also available via Google Books.  Entries 7113 through 7126 all relate to Brother's Karamazov.   This source is also especially useful when in identifying biographical materials on a writer, seeking the original publication of a work and much more.  It is very thorough.  One word of warning: the compiler assumes that everyone knows what the abbreviations stand for, and many are not obvious.  There is a list of the abbreviations used in the volume on pp.648-650.  There are also additional sections on the critical literature of the 1870s-1890s, publications on censorship and journalism and a section devoted to memoir literature in the back of the volume.


Focus Corner

Russkie pisateli, 1800-1917: biograficheskiĭ slovar'. V. 1-5Glavnyĭ redaktor: P. A. Nikolaev.  Moskva: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskaia ėntsiklopediia," 1989-.  UIUC Call Number: 891.70922R921.  Location: International and Area Studies Library.  Note: additional copy in Main Stacks

Over the years we've tried to collect the praises for this title.  Unfortunatley, like this set, our work is incomplete.  The wealth of information on each figure includes their writings, and extenslive list of critical literature and information on archival holdings.  The entry for Fedor Mikhailovich is quite extensive, spanning eleven pages (pp. 165-176).  This is your chance to REALLY get to know F. M. Dostoevskiĭ


A Word from Pushkinskiĭ Dom aka Institut russkoĭ literatury

Biblioteka F. M. Dostoevskogo: opyt rekonstruktsii. Nauchnoe opisanieSankt-Peterburg: "Nauka," 2005.  UIUC Call Number: 891.73 D74.  Location: International and Area Studies Library. 

Subject (LCSH): Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881 --Library

Based on the printed, unpublished and handwritten lists of books, compiled by Anna Grigor'evna Dostoevskaia, this fully annotated description of the personal library of F. M. Dostoevskii would be a great addition to researching the author. The lengthy annotations provide detailed accounts of collected works and background information for individual titles.  This is an essential source for verifying citations and understanding the literary world of F.M. Dostoevskii. 


Richard Chapple. A Dostoevsky dictionary. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1983.  UIUC Call Number: 891.73 D74FC368. 

Slovar' iazyka Dostoevskogo. Idioglossarii. by Karaulov, IU. N.
Call Number: UIUC Call Number: 891.73D74FK144. Location: International and Area Studies Library
Publication Date: 2010

Subject (LCSH): Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881 --Language --Glossaries, etc.

New addition to Slavic Library

Ф. М. Достоевский. Энциклопедия / С. В. Белов.  Moskva: "Prosveshchenie," 2010.  UIUC Call Number: 891.73 D74DB4187.  Location: International and Area Studies Library. 

Subject (LCSH): Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881 --Encyclopedias.

According to the publishers of this encyclopedia, this reference source is intended to be a comphrensive guide to  F. M. Dostoevskii, his works, and all who surrounded him [family, friends, editors, writers, etc.].  There is a helpful list of abbreviations, a literature section for each entry, and an index of works (pp. 739-742).  The literature section provides complete citations for articles and books.   In terms of its academic quality, this encyclopedia is superior to other Dostoevskii encyclopedias listed in this guide.