When we encounter incomplete article citations from literary journals publsihed in the 1920s, we check with Ruthenia_SovLit to verify and complete the citation. For example, the table of contents for Krasnaia nov' from 1921(No. 1) to 1929(No. 12) is listed here. This website also provides a publication overview for each journal listed and supplies researchers with a list of pseudonyms used by writers in these publications. Moreover, researchers can also search by author and article title. Main sections: Zhurnaly 1920-kh gg; Kratkoe opisanie zhurnalov 1920-kh gg;Psevdonimy avtorov zhurnalov 1920-kh gg. The web editors at Ruthenia.ru are currently adding a "sborniki" section. Please visit the main site for more information: Ruthenia.ru. Browser and encoding note: Based on our experience, it is best to use Internet Explorer when viewing this web page. If you encounter any encoding problems(Internet Explorer), please right click and select the encoding option"Cyrilic Windows."
Журнальный зал is an online journal depository. This is a great place for searching and browsing the table of contents to popular publications. For most titles, you can view the table of contents from the late 1990s to the latest issue.
FEB-web aka The Fundamental Digital Library of Russian Literature and Folklore was started in 1995 by Институт мировой литературы им А. М. Горького/A.M. Gor'kii Institute of World Literature and the Informregister Center at the Russian Ministry for Communication. According to the compilers, Feb-web is a "repository of Russian verbal art and the scholarly and other texts vital to understanding it." Researchers will find the list of dictionaries, bibliographies, and literature guides at Feb-web to be an added bonus for researching Russian literary topics and writers.
Словарь русского языка XVIII века
Литературная энциклопедия: словарь литературных терминов
One of the categories of full-text materials that can be found here are the periodical publications of the academy. One of the most important literary sources in this category is the irregularly published serial Литературное Наследство . This title issued volumes devoted to individual authors, often reproducing archival materials. There were three volumes on various aspects of Dostoevskii's writing, all three available here in full-text. There are a number of other important publications at this site and it should not be overlooked when seeking materials on the author.
International Dostoevsky Bibliography
This bibliography is compiled by Ms. June Pachuta Farris, the former head of Slavic Reference Service and now a bibliographer for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies at the University of Chicago. This guide to Dostoevskii studies should be the eighth and ninth wonder of the world. As the image above shows, the period of coverage for this bibliography is quite amazing and brings Dostoevskii researchers into the current fold of scholarship. With the emergence of Arctic Summer (latest temperature reading: -14 °
Note:In addition to the "International Bibliography of Dostoevsky," the Russian Virtual Library's Dostoevskii section provides an extensive biobibliography and features the collected works in fifteen volumes.
Dostoevsky Studies [Volumes 1-9 Online]
According to the University of Toronto, "the electronic texts found here reproduce the contents of the early volumes of Dostoevsky Studies, which are no longer available in print. Additional volumes will be added, until at least the first nine volumes are placed online." Each volume contains the following sections: Articles, Reviews, and Bibliography(subsection: current bibliography).
Media on the web are really fairly easy to find and most scholars have their own avenues to finding material. If you have not seen these you might find them useful when looking for information on Dostoevsky's life or the film version of the Brothers Karamazov.
Братья Карамазовы (1968)
Mosfilm resources are available via its youtube channel or from its own website. The link above is to the full length version that is available currently online out of mosfilm.ru
The life and death of Dostoevskii by Igor Vol'gin. A lecture in Russian.
Archival images from Omsk prison.