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University Library


How to Cite Primary Sources: Artifacts such as tools, coins, clothing, furniture

This guide will outline how to cite a variety of primary sources in APA, MLA, and Chicago formats

Citing Artifacts


There are no specific guidelines recommended by the APA for citing specific artifacts, to the general approach taken to citing items may suffice with the following structure: [Description of Item]. Date. Archive held in. Organization, location. URL if applicable. 

For example: [Coffee Mug]. 1952. University of Illinois Archive of Household Items. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. 


When citing artifacts in Chicago Style, refer to the following structure: Title/Description of Item, Date, Collection name, Organization, Location. URL if applicable. 

For example: Coffee mug, 1952, University of Illinois Archive of Household Items Box 334, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. 


In MLA format, artifacts are cited following the same format as artwork. See the previous section on Artwork.