In the screenshot below, here's an example of a search for videos on how to make an elevator pitch. 4 easy steps:
1) Go to Proquest One Business
2) On the Basic Search box, type "elevator pitch"
3) Click on the More button above the search bar, which will bring a drop-down of other options for type of publication. Choose Video from that list.
4) Click the Magnifying Glass icon at the end of the search box to initiate the search.
IDEA Lab ( Innovation and Design in Engineering and the Arts)
A technology rich digital scholarship at GELIC, provides curated spaces for study, collaboration, practice room for making pitches, and expertise on prototyping with3D printers and VR, . The Lab has loanable technology to check out, such as AR/VR headsets, podcasting kits, and Xbox wireless controllers. During the fall and spring semesters the IDEA Lab is open Mon - Fri 10AM-10PM. To reserve a room, go here. To reserve loanable technology, click here.