Jornal do Brasil: Our library has the complete collection of Jornal do Brasil. Founded in 1891, the Jornal do Brasil is one of Brazil's oldest and most important newspapers. The library has this newspaper in print from 1966 to 2005, one of the very few longest running collections of the newspaper in the U.S. The library also has this source on microfilm from 1891 to 1901.
Image credit: Journal do Brasil, "Inimigos que se aliam", 06/19/2012
Jornal do Brasil - Suplemento Dominical: Our library has one of only two copies of this suplemento in the world (Center for Research Libraries). We have a complete run from June 1956 to December 1961. The collection is available on DVD at the International and Area Studies Library, in-room use only.
March 4, 1961
March 11, 1961
Search for more information about using newspapers for research about Brazil, at the Library's History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library (HPNL).
Through the "Project Rescue" (Projeto Resgate) aimed at recovering and collecting primary sources from Brazilian colonial and imperial history, Brazil's Ministry of Culture, in partnership with various agencies, published eight guides with primary source content that organizes historical documentation available in archives outside Brazil.
At our University Library, six of the primary source guides can be found, as listed below. For more information about the Projeto Resgate and for online access to digitized primary sources from the Historical Ultramarine Archive at Lisbon, Portugal, visit the "Online Re(sources)" section of this guide, at the tab "Brazil- Non Univ. of Illinois Online Resources".