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Turkish Studies: Home

A beginner's guide to researching Turkish studies.


Turkish FlagThe modern Republic of Turkey (Türkiye) has developed over thousands of years of migration, cultural and religious development, military conflict, and the rise and decline of powerful and diverse civilizations. Researching Turkish Studies can involve a variety of perspectives and disciplines, including history, political science, language, religion, communications, and more.

This guide provides beginning resources for Turkish Studies research. It is by no means comprehensive, and we encourage you to delve deeper into topics of interest through the Library Catalog or the Journal and Article Locator. Please contact the International and Area Studies Library if you would like a librarian's assistance.

Organizations & Resource Centers

A Brief History

  • Early 11th century: Turks begin settling in Anatolia, the peninsula which is home to most of modern-day Turkey.  Victory against the Byzantines results in the establishment of the Anatolian Seljuk State/Konya Sultanate.
  • 1299-1923: Ottoman Age.  The decline of the Seljuk State results in the formation of multiple Turkish principalities, including the Ottoman Beylik, which grows into the Ottoman Empire with territory in three continents.
  • 1453: The Ottomans capture Constantinople (later, Istanbul).  The Byzantine Empire falls.
  • 16th century: The Ottoman empire declines economically and militarily in comparison to European states.
  • 1914-1918: World War I.  Having sided with the allied powers, the Ottoman Empire signs the Mondros Armistice, after which its territories are occupied by Britain, France, Russia, and Greece.
  • 1919-1922: The Turkish War of Independence achieves the creation of an independent Turkish state under the leadership of Mustafa Kernal, or Ataturk ("Father of the Turks.")
  • October 19, 1923: The official beginning of the Republic of Turkey.


Images and Infographics

Map of Turkey

Map of Turkey

Encyclopaedia Britannica

Quick facts and milestones on Turkey's path to joining the European Union.

Turkey on the Path Towards the EU

EU Delegation to Ankara

Map showing growth of the Ottoman Empire over time.

The Ottoman Empire

Encyclopaedia Brittanica


Research Assistance

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