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University Library


Scholarly Commons Scanners

This guide provides instructions for using the scanners in the Scholarly Commons (Main Library 220)

KIC BookEye Scanner

Scanning a file

  • Place item onto the black surface of the BookEye scanner.
    • You can lift the black surface on the sides to adjust the angle of each platform. This helps keep book pages from flipping as well as preserve more fragile materials.
    • The two ends of the sides of the black surface also slide to account for larger items if you are scanning something wider than the normal width.  
  • Select whether you want to scan a document, book, newspaper, magazine, notebook, artwork, or photos.  
  • Hit the green SCAN button on the lower side of the BookEye scanner screen.
  • On the screen, a Copyright notice will appear. Once you are sure that you are not violating copyright law, hit the green Accept and Scan to begin the scan.
  • Wait for the image to appear clear on the upper BookEye scanner screen.
  • Press the SCAN button on the lower right to scan the next page.

Editing files

    Deleting scans
    • Hit the red button next to the “Delete” text on the center-right of the BookEye scanner screen to only delete the scan that you see on the screen.
    • You can also hit the red Delete All if you want to delete all the scans made.
    Rotating images
    • Once the image is scanned, hit the green Compose Content button on the lower center-right side of the BookEye scanner screen.
      • You can also hit the green button on the center-left of the screen with the  “Edit” text next to it.
    • On the top left side, tap the “General” button.
    • Under the “Image Rotation” section, there are three arrows. The first rotates the current image 90 degrees counterclockwise, the second rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise, and the final arrow rotates the image 180 degrees from its current position.
    • Rotate the image to its desired state. If you want to rotate multiple images, you can scroll through all the scans on the bottom of the page and select another image.
    Cropping Images
    • Once the image is scanned, hit the green Compose Content button on the lower center-right side of the BookEye scanner screen.
      • You can also hit the green button on the center-left of the screen with the “Edit” text next to it.
    • On the top left side, tap the “General” button.
    • Press the green “Crop, Enlarge” button on the top left side of the screen
      • A yellow box will surround the screen with blue arrows on the four corners of the box. These should align with the borders of the scanned image.
      • Touch one of the blue arrows and move it around to the desired boundaries.
      • Click the green Done button once you have cropped the image.
      • If you scanned an item as a document, newspaper, art, or photo, you could also split the item into two pages.
        • Press the green Split Image to Two Pages button on the top left side of the screen.
        • On the image, slide the blue rectangles to indicate how you would like to separate the pages.
    • Click the green DONE button on the bottom left side of the screen to confirm the two pages.
    • Hit the green Finish Composing button on the bottom right side of the screen.
    Annotating images
    • Once the image is scanned, hit the green Compose Content button on the lower center-right side of the BookEye scanner screen.
      • You can also hit the green button on the center-left of the screen with the  “Edit” text next to it.
    • On the top left side, tap the “Text” button.
      • On the very top, you can select the white Touch to Add Text button to add text.
        • Write the desired annotation in the box next to the “Caption” text.
        • Below that, you can adjust the foreground color (the color of the text of your caption), background color (the color of the text box behind your caption), the font (only Arial, Times New Roman, and Georgia), and the font-weight (whether you want normal text, boldened text, italicized text, or both bold and italicized text).
        • Select the green OK once done.
        • Drag the newly added text to the desired state.
      •   Below that, you can add lines and frames to the image.
        • Press the green button that says Draw a Line or Draw a Frame to add a line or frame respectively.
        • Next to those buttons, you can select the color of your line or frame as well as how thick each is (to apply the changes, press the green button again).
        • Drag the line or frame to the proper location (you can also use the box that appears on the touch screen to change the size, angle, and position).
        • These steps also apply to the emojis and borders you can apply to the image below.
      • Below that, you can add citations to the image.
        • On the left side underneath the line and frame options, press the gray Create Citation button.
        • Type the citation you want to make in the box using the touch keyboard provided.
        • If the item has an ISBN, you can use this option to automatically create a citation.
          • Above the touch keyboard, press the green Enter/Scan ISBN and Lookup Citation button.
          • Enter the 10-digit or 13-digit ISBN of the reference item or scan the ISBN on the back.
          • You can then select either a short citation (author name, book title, date published) by pressing the green Short version button, a full citation by pressing the green Full citation button, or you can customize the citation by pressing the green Select Volume Fields button (use the checkboxes to determine if you want to include the author’s name, book title, publisher, date published, description, and page #.)
      • You can also delete any annotations you put into the image
        • At the bottom left, you can manage any of the items listed above that you have annotated into the image.
        • Press the red DELETE SELECTED button on the bottom left of the screen to delete a particular annotation.
    Brightness, Contrast, and Color
    • Once the image is scanned, hit the green Compose Content button on the lower center-right side of the BookEye scanner screen.
      • You can also hit the green button on the center-left of the screen with the  “Edit” text next to it.
    •  On the top left side, tap the “Effects” button.
      • Under the bold “Brightness” label, drag the bar to the left to darken the image and to the right to brighten the image.
      • Under the “Contrast” label, drag the bar to the left to decrease the contrast and to the right to increase it. 
      • Under the “Color Mode” label, you can choose if you want your image to have color, shades of gray, or only black and white in the image.
    Reorganizing scanned images
    • On the center-right of the screen, press the green RE-ORDER (collate) button.
    • Press the square with the image you want to move and drag it to the spot you want it to appear in the order.
    Turn off the Monitor
    • On the bottom right of the screen, hit the green PRIVACY ON button underneath the eye to turn off the top screen and adjust your images more privately.

Saving or Sending Scanned Images from BookEye Scanner

  • Insert flash drive underneath the top monitor of the scanner or in front of the black surface.
  • Wait for the email button on the bottom right to change to say Save PDF to USB. It will then automatically save to the USB.
  • Press the green Continue Scanning button to continue scanning or editing images. Press the red End Session button to finish completely (NOTE: all scans made will be deleted off of the BookEye scanner once you click this option, so make sure to upload them to your USB before hitting this button).
  • You can type your email address to save images.
    • Write in your email address next to the “To” text.
    • Adjust the subject line or message in the respective columns if needed.
    • Once you have typed your email in, hit the green Send button. The scanner will verify your email and then send it once confirmed.
  •   You can also export the scans as different file types.
    • Near the bottom right, click on the circular, green More button on top of the green Send KSS to MyDocs button.
    • On the right side, you can decide whether the file saves as a PDF, searchable PDF, JPEG, PNG, Rich Text (i.e. a Word document), or an audio file.  
  • Click the red EXIT button to end the session once you are completely finished (NOTE: all scans made will be deleted off of the BookEye scanner once you click this option, so make sure to upload them to your USB or email the scans to yourself before hitting this button).

Additional Information

  • For additional information on the main page, press the green HELP button on the far center-left of the screen.
  • For help on any of the photo editing tools, click on any of the tabs in the Compose Content section (General, Effects, Compose, Text) and press the blue circle with the on it for more information about the editing tools.
  • When on any of the tabs in the Compose Content section, you can undo any errors you may create by pressing the green Undo button on the bottom center-left of the page. You can also add back anything undone by pressing the green Redo button underneath the Undo button.
  • For more information, visit the KIC Website for details on the BookEye scanner.

Unsupervised Copyright Notice

The Law Requires That We Tell You This:

Copyright Notice for Unsupervised Copying Equipment:

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material;. the person using this equipment is liable for any infringement.

The Law Does Not Require That We Tell You This:

The law is not only for copyright holders. Users have rights too.

Fair Use (Title 17, U.S. Code §107) allows users to make certain uses of copyrighted works without permission. Learn about fair use then use your best judgement. 


For more information review the library guide on Copyright, review Scholarly Communication and Publishing's (SCP) websitecontact SCP, or email Copyright Librarian, Sara Benson.