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Guide to Zoom for RSOs

Learn how to set up, run, and record meetings on Zoom for on-campus clubs and RSOs. You'll also find some tips and tricks for making Zoom more fun and ideas for Zoom parties!

Changing Views

  1. On the top right of the Zoom screen, click “View.” Then, you can change the view to “Gallery,” so you can see all your participants at the same time.

Making Someone a Co-Host

  1. On your Zoom dashboard, click “Participants.”  Participants button on Zoom dashboard
  2. Find the participant you would like to make a co-host, and hover over their name. Click “More,” and then “Make Co-Host.” Zoom participant with arrow pointing to "More"

Sharing Your Screen

Note: In order to share your screen, you must be a co-host of the meeting or the host must grant the participants the ability to screen share. For directions on making someone a co-host, see above.

  1. On the Zoom dashboard, click “Share Screen.” Share Screen button on Zoom dashboard
  2. Several options will appear, including a “Whiteboard” option and any open tabs you have on your computer. Make sure you have chosen the right screen to share!Zoom screen share page
  3. If you will be sharing a video, click “Optimize Screen Share for video clip” on the bottom left hand side of the Share Screen box.                                                                                                      Zoom screen share page, focused on "Optimize Screen Share for Video Clip" button
  4. Click “Share.”

Launching a Poll

Note: Polls must be set up by the meeting host before starting the meeting. For directions on setting up a poll, see "Setting Up Your Zoom Meeting."

  1. On your Zoom dashboard, click “Polling.”  "Polling" dashboard button
  2. The poll question(s) you've set up will appear. Click “Launch Poll” to allow participants to answer your question.

3. Once everyone has answered the question, click "End Poll."

poll question with arrow pointing to "End Poll"

4. To share the results of the poll, click “Share Results.” Once you’re done, exit the poll by clicking the red circle on the top left of the poll box.

Zoom poll "Share Results" and "Re-launch Poll 1" buttons

Breakout Rooms

Note: For directions on where to pre-assign Breakout Rooms, see "Setting Up Your Zoom Meeting."

  1. On your Zoom dashboard, click “Breakout Rooms.”Breakout Rooms button on Zoom dashboard
  2. You can assign Breakout Rooms automatically (randomly), or manually. You can also let participants choose their own room, if you’d like. Click “Create.”

Zoom breakout rooms page

  1. You will see all the breakout rooms appear. On the bottom left, click on the small wheel/cog for more settings. Zoom breakout rooms page with arrow pointing to settings wheel on left hand side
  2. Different settings will appear. Here you can set a timer for when students should come back, decide how long breakout rooms should be open, and set the length of your countdown timer.Zoom breakout rooms page with various settings
  3. Once you’ve configured these settings, click “Open All Rooms.”Zoom breakout rooms page with arrow pointing to "Open All Rooms" button on right hand side

Recording a Meeting

  1. Before you begin recording, it is good practice to ask participants if they are okay with the meeting being recorded. This is especially true if you plan on sharing the meeting with anyone outside of the meeting participants.
  2. On the Zoom dashboard, click “Record.” You can either record just to your personal recording, or to the cloud, which will allow the meeting to be shared. Zoom dashboard "Record" button   Zoom record page with options of how to record shown
  3. To pause or stop the recording, click the desired option on your Zoom dashboard. Zoom "Pause/Stop Recording" button