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Japanese Language: Home

Books and online resources for intermediate-advanced Japanese language learners.

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This guide was originally compiled by Makiko Ishizawa: 06/30/2010
Updated 1/22/2013 by International & Area Studies Library
Updated Summer '22 by International & Area Studies Library Grad Hourly Rebecca Stover

Resources for Japanese Language Study

This LibGuide contains resources for intermediate to advanced Japanese language learners.  You can find information on books available at the International and Area Studies Library,  and links to useful websites for studying Japanese. Click on the tabs above to navigate this guide.

The library has a campus-wide subscription to the Rosetta Stone software, so you can use this to learn Japanese or supplement your class.

Japanese Material Locations

You may have heard from your professors and older students that there is an Asian Library on campus. Ever wonder where it is? What used to be known as the "Asian Library" is now a part of the International and Area Studies Library.

As part of the transition, Asian language materials are now circulated from the Central Circulation desk and the materials are accessible from the Main Stacks. Faculty, students, and other patrons wishing to browse the Asian-language circulating collection should enter Main Stacks via the Central Circulation desk on the the 2nd Floor of the Main Library. 

East Asian materials bearing LC call numbers (meaning they carry one or two alphabetical characters at the beginning of their call numbers, e.g. "BX598.A4") are now shelved on the 7th, 8th and 9th floor of the Main Stacks. (* It always helps to keep in mind that the 5th floor of the Main Stacks is connected to the 2nd floor of the Main Library Building, where the Main Stacks entrance is located.)

Current periodicals and reference collection are housed in the International & Area Studies Library in 321 Main Library.

If you have any trouble finding materials, please contact the International & Area Studies Library, 321 Main Library (217.333.1501) for assistance.

Schedule an Appointment - Ask questions and make an appointment online with a Japanese Studies librarian.

Subject Guide

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International and Area Studies Library
Room 321 Main Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-1501