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University Library


Japanese Language: Newspapers

Books and online resources for intermediate-advanced Japanese language learners.


First issue frontpage of Mainichi Shimbun Frontpage, 21 February 1872 (Lunar calendar). March 29 according to the Gregorian calendar.

Asahi Shinbun  (朝日新聞  The Asahi Shimbun)

The Asahi Shimbun is one of the four largest newspapers in Japan. Founded in 1879, it is also one of the oldest newspapers in Japan and Asia, and is considered a newspaper of record for Japan

Japanese Text

English Text

Mainichi Shinbun

毎日.jp (毎日新聞 The Mainichi Daily News)

The Mainichi Shimbun is one of the four national newspapers of Japan. It began in 1872.



47 News

47NEWS (よんななニュース) Yon-nana News

One-stop search for news from 52 local newspapers and Associated Press. (Japanese only)