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University Library


Guide to Digital Collections (History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library)

HPNL digital collections. Mostly licensed digital collections, with some freely available.

Books: Major Collections

Books: Smaller Collections

Periodicals: Major Collections

Periodicals: Smaller Collections

Newspapers: Major Collections

Newspapers: Smaller Collections

Far too many smaller digitized newspaper collection exist to permit listing them here, but you can find a larger (though by no means exhaustive) listing on our guide to Finding Newspapers:

What follows is a very small selection from that guide:

Newsreels and Broadcast News


Government Documents: Executive Branch

Government Documents: Executive Branch: Foreign Relations

Listed here are documents of the State Department, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, and any other arm of the Executive Branch involved in the conduct of foreign relations including war.

Collections of State Department reports about specific regions or foreign countries are listed in the guide on the page relevant to that region or country.

Government Documents: Executive Branch: Justice Department

Government Documents: Legislative Branch

Government Documents: Judicial Branch

Other Primary Sources of Government including Documents of the States

Documents of Foreign Governments about America

Statistics and Maps

Themed Collections: Major

Themed Collections: Smaller

Latinx History

Personal Archives

Organizational Archives