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Chinese Buddhist Studies: Buddhist Study on Special Topics

Guides to Chinese Buddhist studies, including Buddhist full text databases, reference tools and index and bibliographical databases of Buddhist studies.

1. Taiwan Buddhism 台灣佛教史料庫

 This web site contains materials relating to the history of Buddhism in Taiwan, including journal articles (full text in many cases), indexes to books and journal articles, transcripts of interviews, historical documents, multimedia resources, etc. It divided into different periods: Ming and Qing Periods, Japanese Clolonial Period, Postwar Period (1945- ). 

2. The World of Xuanzang and the Silk Road 玄奘西域行

This Digital Museum program, “The World of Xuanzang and the Silk Road”,  includes the following three sub-plans: “Research and organization of records and literature, maps and images, and history and geography”, “Research and development for interactive models of information visualization”, and “Systematic research and innovation of an information database for the Digital Museum”. These are administered respectively by the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, the Arts and Technology Research Center of the Taipei National University of the Arts, and the National Taiwan University Graduate Department of Information Engineering.

3. Vijñapti-Mātratā Text Database 唯識典籍數位資料庫


​vijñapti-mātratā-siddhi-śāstra database 《成唯識論》及其注疏編撰 

Viṃśatikā-vijñapti-mātratā-siddhi Database 《唯識二十論》梵本、諸譯本及注疏編撰

Triṃśikā Vijñaptimātratā《唯識三十頌》諸譯本及梵文安慧疏編撰

4. Yogācārabhūmi Database 《瑜伽師地論》資料庫

A three year digital project to complete a elecronic database of the Yogaist Land Theory and other related texts and alternative translations, annotated books, origianl Sanskrit texts, and Tibetan translations. 

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