The European Library
Allows for searching for digitized items as well in the catalogs of print holdings of libraries in 46 countries across Europe.
The Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Located on the third floor of the Main Library, holds numerous editions and rare works of incunabla, medieval manuscripts, early modern works, and many other treasures in bibliographic history. It most prominently has a rich Shakespeare collection that include all four folios, a set of Pavier quartos (1619), a copy of the 1640 Poems, and the stationer's fragment (ca. 1603–1607) that documents the possible lost play by Shakespeare, Love's Labor’s Won. The RBML also holds 16th- and 17th-century editions of works by John Northbrooke, Thomas Kyd's Spanish Tragedy, Thomas Heywood, William Prynne's Histro-mastix, among many others.
Brotherton Library Leeds
Brotherton Library's Online Collection
Literary Manuscripts: Leeds
This database features complete facsimile images of 190 manuscripts of 17th and 18th century verse held in the celebrated Brotherton Collection at the University of Leeds. Alongside original compositions are painstakingly copied verses, translations, songs and riddles. The whole collection is situated within an assortment of manuscripts, some entirely dedicated to poetry, while others contain medicinal recipes, household accounts, draft letters, musical scores and plays. There are also several printed works, with handwritten verse additions.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO)
Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) is a project of the Folger Shakespeare Library, funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), to provide scholars and the general public with convenient web access to transcriptions, images, and metadata for manuscripts from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Alternate version: MLA International Bibliography in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches).Indexes critical materials on literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore. Proved access to citations from worldwide publications, including periodicals, books, essay collections, working papers, proceedings, dissertations and bibliographies.
(Academic Search Ultimate classic*) A scholarly, multidisciplinary database providing indexing and abstracts for over 10,000 publications, including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, and others. Also includes full-text access to over 5,000 journals. Offers coverage of many areas of academic study including: archaeology, area studies, astronomy, biology, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, ethnic & multicultural studies, food science & technology, general science, geography, geology, law, mathematics, mechanical engineering, music, physics, psychology, religion & theology, women's studies, and other fields. *(best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches)
Use the following subject headings to search for books, periodicals, and electronic resources in the library catalog:
English literature--Early modern, 1500-1700
English literature--Early modern, 1500-1700--History and criticism
English literature--16th century
English literature--16th century--History and criticism
English literature--17th century
English literature--17th century--History and criticism
English poetry--16th century
English poetry--16th century--History and criticism
English poetry--17th century
English poetry--17th century--History and criticism
English drama--16th century
English drama--16th century--Criticism, Textual
English drama--16th century--History and criticism
English drama 17th century
English drama--17th century--Criticism, Textual
English drama 17th century--History and criticism