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Email Alerts for Mathematics Journals: Springer


How to sign up for Springer Alerts:

1. Start at the Springer Mathematical Journals page.

2. Select the title of the journal you would like to receive alerts for.


3. On the right-hand side of the journal's page, click "Register for journal updates."


4. Click on "Sign up for alerts." 


5. Click on "Browse by journal." 


6. Login if you already have a Springer Account. If not, sign up for one here. 


7. After you’ve signed up for an account, you’ll receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in this email to finish setting up your account.



8. If you aren’t automatically directed, go to the Springer Alerts for Journals page


9. Click on the first letter of the title of the journal that you wish to subscribe to. Then check the box next to that journal.  When you’ve selected all of the journals you want, click “Update.” 


10. Click submit to conform. You will now receive email updates!

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Mathematics Library

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Mathematics Library
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Subjects: Mathematics