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HIST 498: Orientalism and Its Critics: Course Readings

How do we study the history and culture of a people unknown to ourselves without projecting our own values and views upon them?

Where to Order/Request Required Texts

Orientalism / Edward W. Said.

Alexander Lyon Macfie, Orientalism: A Reader, NYU Press, 2001.

Zachary Lockman, Contending Visions of the Middle East: The History and

Politics of Orientalism, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition 2010. (the libaray has ebook)

Reina Lewis, Rethinking Orientalism: Women, Travel, Ottoman Harem,
Rutgers University Press, 2004

Course Readings

Required Readings:
Available for purchase at the university bookstore:

Edward Said, Orientalism, Vintage, 1978.
Alexander Lyon Macfie, Orientalism: A Reader, NYU Press, 2001.
Zachary Lockman, Contending Visions of the Middle East: The History and
Politics of Orientalism, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition 2010. (the libaray has ebook)
Reina Lewis, Rethinking Orientalism: Women, Travel, Ottoman Harem,
Rutgers University Press, 2004

Week 1 (Jan 20)

Watch in class The Sheik, silent movie based on a popular 1919 novel by
Edith Hull.

Week 2 (Jan 27)

Zachary Lockman, Contending Visions of he Middle East, Chapters 1 and 2,
pp. 8-65

Week 3 (Feb 3)

Readings: (All in A. L. Macfie’s Orientalism Reader, NYU Press, 2000)
James Mill: “The Indian for of Government,” pp. 11-12.
G. W. F. Hegel: “Gorgeous Edifices,” pp. 13-15
Karl Marx: “The British Rule in India,” pp. 16-19
Pierre Martino: “Les Commencements de l’orientalisme,” 21-30
Raymond Schwab: “The Asiatic Society of Calcutta,” 31-35.

Zachary Lockman, “Orientalism and Empire,” chapter 3 in Contending
Visions, pp. 66-98.
From Orientalism Reader:
Friedrich Nietzsche, “Appearance and the Thing-in-Itself,” pp. 37-39.
Antonio Gramsci, “On Hegemony and Direct Rule,” pp. 39-41.
Michel Foucault: “Truth and Power,” pp. 41-46.

Week 4 (Feb 10) Arrange to meet the librarian

we will visit the Archive at room 19 in 1408 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana

Zachary Lockman, Condenting Visions: “The American Century,” and
“Turmoil in the Field,” pp. 100-182.
Readings: From Macfie’s Orientalism Reader:
Anouar Abdel-Malek, “Orientalism in Crisis,” pp. 47-56.
L. Tibawi, “ English-Speaking Orientalists,” pp. 57-76.
Bryan Turner, “Marx and the End of Orientalism,” pp. 117-119.

Week 5 (Feb. 17)

Readings: From Edward Said’s Orientalism, Vintage Books, 1979.
“Knowing the Oriental,” pp. 31-49.
“Imaginative Geography and Its Representations: Orientalizing the
Oriental,” pp. 49-73.
“Projects,” pp. 73-92.
“Crisis,” pp. 92-110.

Week 6 (Feb 24)

Readings: From Macfie’s Orientalism Reader:
Stuart Schaar, “Orientalism at the Service of Imperialism,” pp. 181-193.
David Kopf, “Hermeneutics versus History,” pp. 194-207.
Michael Richardson, “Enough Said,” pp. 208-216.
Sadik Jalal al-‘Azm: “Orientalism and Orientalism in Reverse,” pp. 217-238.
Ernest J. Wilson III, “Orientalism: A Black Perspective,” pp. 239-248.
Bernard Lewis, “The Question of Orientalism,” pp. 249-270.

Reading: from Zachary Lockman, Contending Visions:
“Said’s Orientalism: A Book and Its Aftermath,” pp. 183-215.

MARCH 10-17, Midterm Take-Home Exam

Weeks 9-10 (March 17-March 31)

Readings: From Reina Lewis, Rethinking Orientalism: Women, Travel, ad the
Ottoman Harem, Rutgers University Press: 2004.
Chapter 2, “Empire, Nation, and Culture,” pp. 53-95.
Chapter 3, “Harem: The Limits of Emancipation,” pp. 96-141.
Chapter 6, “Dress Acts: The Shifting Significance of Clothes,” pp. 206-250.

Week 11 (April 7) (3rd CLASS PRESENTATION)

Week 12 (April 14)

Zachary Lockman, Contending Visions, chapter 7, “After Orientalim,” pp. 215-267.

Week 13 (April 21)

Watching the silent movie The Sheik once more to see how much our
understanding of the narrative and representations have changed

Week 14-15 (April 28-May 5)
Presentations of the final project and concluding remarks.