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HIST 405: History of Brazil: Primary Sources

Research guide for HIST 405, History of Brazil, Spring 2015

Primary Resources: History

Primary Resources for LA&C History

For an excellent overview of primary sources for historical research, see the HPNL's LibGuide on Primary Sources.

Digital Collections

Internet Gateways

LAC Archives via LANIC

Brazil Specific

Newspaper library of Brazil's National Library. It contains access to national historical newspapers, magazines, anuários, bulletins, and other serial publications.

Open access portal to thousands of documents related to the military dictatorship and human rights abuses. It also provides links to other open access digital collections in Brazil under "Acervos Relacionados."

Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin

Created in 2005, this library at the Universidade de São Paulo gathers the extensive holdings of Guita and José Mindlin. There is online access to some 3,000 titles from Brazilian history and literature covering the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

U.S. Declassified Records on Brazil

Created for the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Brazilian military coup of 1964, the George Washington University's National Security Archive uploaded important documents related to the US's involvement in Brazilian politics.

Subject Guide

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