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HIST 405: History of Brazil: Home

Research guide for HIST 405, History of Brazil, Spring 2015


Welcome to the research guide for HIST 405, "History of Brazil." The University Library has one of the largest collections on Latin American history. This guide is meant to provide you with some of the most common resources for your research in addition to suggesting a few sources for Brazilian history in particular. For any questions about or more more guidance in using the Latin American and Caribbean Studies collection feel free to contact Prof. Sotomayor.

History at UIUC

For more resources for historical research, visit the History, Newspaper & Philosophy Library (HNPL) or consult one of their many helpful LibGuides using the tags "history" or "historical research."

For an excellent introduction to historical research, see the HNPL's Library Research for History Students: an Introduction


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International and Area Studies Library
Room 321 Main Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-1501