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Energy-Water Nexus Research Guide

Find information on the connection between water and energy

First Annual Illinois Water Day - April 11, 2014, 2-5pm

The First Annual Illinois Water Day will take place on Friday April 11, 2014, 2pm-5pm, at the Yeh Student Center.  
The half-day conference will feature talks and posters.

Keynote speaker: Dr. Paul L. Bishop, University of Rhode Island.  Four short talks will follow the keynote:  Dr. May Wu from Argonne Lab, Jody Endres University of Illinois (NRES),  Jeremy Guest University of Illinois (CEE), and Carrie Otto Prairie Rivers Network.

Boneyard Creek Community Day - Saturday April 12, 2014, 9am-Noon

Celebrate water at Boneyard Creek Community Day.   At this event, volunteers clean up litter and non-native plants from areas all over Champaign Urbana. Work sites vary from those suitable for younger children to more challenging ones.