For more information, see JapanKnowledge's English language guide page (you may be prompted to log in to JapanKnowledge first):
The left-hand side column allows you to choose a database/databases to include in your search. Databases can be selected one by one or by category by clicking on respective database names. The screen capture below shows English translation for buttons and category headings, with English- and East Asian-language resources highlighted. For English translation of each encyclopedia/dictionary/database, see the Contents page of this Libguide or go to JapanKnowledge's English content guide page (You may be prompted to log in to JapanKnowledge first):
Titles with an icon next to them can be switched to the individual database mode by clicking the icon. Depending on the content type, the individual database page shows an advanced single database search screen (most encyclopedia and dictionaries) or the table of contents (most journals and e-books).