Publications of the Illinois State Geological Survey
Full text of ISGS publications, reports, maps is available via the University of Illinois institutional repository, IDEALS. Search or browse all materials or specific ISGS series.
Published 1906-2002
The ISGS’s seminal publication series, Bulletins are comprehensive reports and reference works of enduring scientific significance that communicate new data and original ideas to other earth scientists.
Published 1976 to date
Technical or nontechnical reports (including contract/grant reports), maps, cross sections, and other materials (e.g., preliminary results or supporting documentation for some formal publication) that need timely release.
Published 1986 to date
Includes geologic and other maps depicted on U.S.G.S. 7.5-minute, 1:24,000-scale Topographic Quadrangle base maps. Map themes include surficial geology, bedrock geology, drift thickness and other isopachous maps, bedrock topography and other structure contour surfaces, and others.
Published 2007 - date
Maps depicting county or other regional areas typically at a 1:62,500 or 1:100,000 scale. Themes include surficial geology, bedrock geology, isopachous maps, bedrock topography, and others.
Published 2004-2009 (ceased)
The intent of this series was to publish and rapidly disseminate maps prepared for the STATEMAP component of the U.S. Geological Survey-administered National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program contracts; typically revised and improved for publication later in the Illinois Geologic Quadrangle maps series.
External publications and presentations by INHS staff 2008 to April 2023 in the PRI staff bibliography,
For recent publications lists, please see Prairie Research Institute in Illinois Experts
Illinois Experts is a researcher profile-sharing database intended to foster scholarship, discovery, and innovation. It is an initiative of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research administered through the University Library.