It is difficult to determine how many items in a particular language are indexed in the Citation Indexes. The Citation Indexes do, however, duplicate the material indexed in another Thompson-ISI database, Current Contents. A recent count showed, Current Contents included citations to articles in the following Slavic & East European languages (number of articles cited is in parentheses):
Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index can be searched individually, but are presented by the vendor as part of their "Web of Science" package, which also includes a citation index for the natural sciences. Web of Science, in turn, is packaged with a number of other databases by default when these resources are first accessed. This package is accessible here; click on the "Select a Database" or "Web of Science" tabs to avoid searching the entire package.
Retrospective coverage for the arts & humanities has been extended back to 1975, and for the social sciences back to 1970 (from 1980 when this guide was first created). Other institutions may have purchased access to additional retrospective material.
Articles are only included if the author or publisher provides English-language titles, abstracts and keywords -- i.e., out of millions of records, only 58,015 are in Russian, and many of these are from non-Russian journals.
Cited reference searching through these databases for materials in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian languages is obviously far from comprehensive. Cited reference searching for materials in English about the region will cover more sources, but since the Citation Indexes are general databases with no particular emphasis on Eastern Europe and the CIS, these results must also not be considered to be comprehensive.
For more on cited reference searching and for training on other aspects of Web of Science, visit
The Citation Indexes can be used to find out how many times (and where and by whom) a particular article has been cited, or to find out what other articles have cited the same sources as the article in question. Here's an example of an article:
By clicking on Related Records, we find that the article was cited six years later: